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Re: how to boot from floppy/Cd/USB from menu.lst ?

From: adrian15
Subject: Re: how to boot from floppy/Cd/USB from menu.lst ?
Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2007 16:56:10 +0100
User-agent: IceDove (X11/20070329)

J.Bakshi escribió:
Could any one kindly sugest me the configuration of menu.lst which can
boot from boot able /floppy/CD/USB ?

title floppy
rootnoverify (fd0)
chainloader +1

If you want to boot from a USB you need your BIOS to support it.
And an USB is treated like another hard disk. If you boot from the USB its grub device is usually hd0. (Unless you boot with Super Grub Disk and use the usbshift command).

If you want to boot from a CD you need memdisk and smart boot manager.

I think it was something like this:

title cdrom
kernel /path/to/memdisk
initrd /path/to/sbm.bin

and then smart boot manager let you (in some cases) to boot the cdrom.

Where to find memdisk and sbm... hummm... search for the mothers day old SGD floppy. They are there somewhere in the floppy.


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