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Re: [Bug-guile-ncurses] GC bug (?) with menu's

From: Thomas Danckaert
Subject: Re: [Bug-guile-ncurses] GC bug (?) with menu's
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2018 10:15:56 +0200 (CEST)

The work around is to not let your menu items be garbage collected
while the menu exists. Create a variable that holds onto your list
of menu items that has the same lifetime as the menu itself.

I tried to do that, but haven't actually succeeded. Simply creating a list variable in the same (let*) form doesn't help. Any suggestions?

Otherwise, my current workaround is simply to prevent the menus from being gc'ed at all, by keeping a list of all created menus. It's not elegant, but for the small application I have in mind, the leaked memory is acceptable.


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