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bug#32377: guix gc -> build failed: executing SQLite statement: FOREIGN

From: Benjamin Slade
Subject: bug#32377: guix gc -> build failed: executing SQLite statement: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed
Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2018 14:10:45 -0600
User-agent: mu4e 1.1.0; emacs 26.1

I'm running the latest GuixSD, and when I run:

`guix gc`

I get the error:
build failed: executing SQLite statement: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed

I've tried running both:

guix gc --verify=repair,contents


guix gc --verify=repair

and these complete without error messages, but I get the same error when
I try to run `guix gc` afterwards..

So I don't seem to be able to free up space.

(Please cc me on any replies, as I'm not subscribed to address@hidden)

Thank you,
Dr Benjamin Slade - Uni of Utah, https://slade.jnanam.net
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