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bug#35691: [bug-guix] remote configure failure due to bad pathnames for

From: Ricardo Wurmus
Subject: bug#35691: [bug-guix] remote configure failure due to bad pathnames for crt*.o
Date: Thu, 16 May 2019 11:18:54 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.2.0; emacs 26.2

Hi Nelson,

> Even after that major update, and reboot, I still find that, from a
> remote ssh connection, configure fails to find a C compiler, because
> of the faulty construction of the path to crt1.o.

Earlier you wrote this

    there is still a gcc visible: /u/sy/beebe/.guix-profile/bin/gcc.

Where does that come from?  Are you activating this profile in some
shell initialisation file?  Does that profile contain “gcc-toolchain” or

What does PATH look like?

You can check with “guix package -p /u/sy/beebe/.guix-profile -l”.

(Or is $HOME equivalent to /u/sy/beebe on this system and the profile is
thus the default?)

I’m interested in the activation of that profile.  We recommend adding
these lines to ~/.bash_profile (not .bashrc) in the manual:

   export GUIX_PROFILE=$HOME/.guix-profile
   source $GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile

(Leaving out the definition of GUIX_PROFILE will change the behaviour
slightly and you would end up with potentially outdated absolute store
file names in your PATH.)


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