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bug#35864: ~/.local/bin is missing in default PATH on Guix System

From: Tobias Geerinckx-Rice
Subject: bug#35864: ~/.local/bin is missing in default PATH on Guix System
Date: Thu, 23 May 2019 21:31:09 +0200

pelzflorian (Florian Pelz) wrote:
Adding ~/.local/bin to the PATH is common on other distros.

This is what still needs to be established: is it? Which ones? Is it merely a side-effect of them using systemd? And most crucially: does it mean that Guix needs to add it too? What about ~/bin?

I'm was just interested in the (ideally: your) arguments for doing so, not a link to a discussion site. If it really breaks things that should work, I'm all in favour of adding it to the default skeleton, if not /etc/profile itself.

When compiling and installing software as a user without making a package for it, I want to configure it with --prefix=$HOME/.local so I can
install without sudo.  Then I want to be able to run:


instead of

PATH=$HOME/.local/bin myprog

You can already easily add custom directories to $PATH in your .bash_profile, if my understanding of bash's complicated set of configuration files is still accurate. That's where I set it, anyway:

~ λ grep PATH= .bash_profile PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"

and it's always worked fine.  :-)

Kind regards,


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