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bug#35900: Can't logout and login again

From: Philip K.
Subject: bug#35900: Can't logout and login again
Date: Sat, 01 Jun 2019 20:52:48 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.1 (gnu/linux)

Sorry for the late response, I thought I had already responded a few
days back, but it seems I must have replied to the wrong message...

I'm sad to say that I have had to give up on using Guix (for now), since
I didn't have enough time to properly configure the system to my needs
during university (thanks for the responses anyways!).

Nevertheless, I managed to solve the issue by reading through the
manual, and it was unrelated to my initial suspicion, and as you mention
had to do with the xsession file containing a command (I believe it was
"xset") that I hadn't installed in my user profile. After removing said
lines, any all DE's worked as expected.

Ultimately, I'd still see this as a kind of bug, since the in the case
of GDM no error message appeared at all, and SLiM generated two written
*over* one another, with little information on what exactly was wrong.
Or is it generally not advised to use an .xsession file?

Ludovic Courtès <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi Philip,
> address@hidden (Philip K.) skribis:
>> I've reinstalled the system multiple times with different DE's (LXQt,
>> Mate, XFCE) and DM's (slim, GDM), but the issue persists: The first time
>> I try to login, it works, everything is loaded the way I'd expect it,
>> but as soon as I install anyting (using "guix install ...") and *then*
>> log out, and try to log in again, the screen just blinks and throws me
>> back into the login screen of my display manager.
>> I've tried changing /etc/config.scm and keeping it the same, reveting
>> package instalations, but nothing seems to change anything.
> Like Giuseppe wrote, could you share your config.scm file?
> What happens if you remove ‘xmonad’ from your profile?
> Do you have a ~/.xsession file?  If so, could you share it?
> I don’t see any reason off-hand while this would happen (Guix System
> installations used SLiM in the past, and have been using GDM by default
> for several months now.)
>> When running "startx" in a TTY, I get this message, no matter what WM I
>> try to use:
> Indeed, ‘startx’ is currently not supported.
> Thanks for your bug report,
> Ludo’.

        With kind regards,
        Philip K.

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