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bug#42544: openvpn service requires cert and key configuration

From: david larsson
Subject: bug#42544: openvpn service requires cert and key configuration
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2020 04:53:35 +0000

I have a vpn configuration that doesn't use cert and key configuration lines so I receive errors like the following in /var/log/messages when trying to start the vpn-client service:

localhost openvpn[1660]: Options error: --cert fails with 'disabled': No such file or directory (errno=2) localhost openvpn[1660]: Options error: --key fails with 'disabled': No such file or directory (errno=2)

(the lines would say the default /etc/openvpn/client.crt if I wouldn't have specified (cert "disabled") etc. in the guix service config)

I need a way to disable that these lines are being generated to the config-file.

On a related note; it would be great if other configuration options are added to this service as well. Below is my openvpn-client-service config where the commented lines are from the regular config-file which Im trying to define; as you can see many of the config-options can't be specified by openvpn-client-service (e.g. the cipher option, the replay-window option etc):

                   (let* (
                         (myuser "myuser")
[base-dir (string-append "/home/" myuser "/src/my-guixsd-config/etc_openvpn/") ])
                      ;; client
                      (dev 'tun)
                      ;; remote-random
                      (proto 'udp)
                      ;; mute-replay-warnings
                      ;; replay-window 256

;; remote-cert-tls server lines is generated somehow
                      ;; remote-cert-tls server

                      ;; cipher aes-256-cbc
                      ;; ncp-ciphers AES-256-GCM:AES-256-CBC:AES-128-GCM
                      ;; pull
                      ;; nobind
                      (bind? #f)
                      ;; reneg-sec 432000
                      ;; resolv-retry infinite
                      (resolv-retry? #t)
                      ;; compress lzo
                      (comp-lzo? #t)
                      ;; verb 3
                      (verbosity 3)
                      ;; persist-key
                      (persist-key? #t)
                      ;; persist-tun
                      (persist-tun? #t)
                      ;; auth-user-pass /etc/openvpn/credentials
(auth-user-pass (string-append base-dir "credentials"))
                      ;; ca /etc/openvpn/ovpn-ca.crt
                      (ca (string-append base-dir "ovpn-ca.crt"))
                      ;; tls-auth /etc/openvpn/ovpn-tls.key 1
                      (tls-auth (string-append base-dir "ovpn-tls.key"))
;; Generates error messages in /var/log/messages about missing /etc/openvpn/client.crt etc
                      (key "disabled")
                      (cert "disabled")

                      ;; log /tmp/openvpn.log
                      ;; script-security 2
                      ;; resolv-conf scripts not needed for guix
                      ;; up /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf
                      ;; down /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf

                      (fast-io? #t)
                        ;; Resolves to multiple vpn servers in location
                         (name "pool-1.prd.se.sthlm.ovpn.com")
                         (port 1196))
                         (name "pool-1.prd.se.sthlm.ovpn.com")
                         (port 1197))
                         (name "pool-2.prd.se.sthlm.ovpn.com")
                         (port 1196))
                         (name "pool-2.prd.se.sthlm.ovpn.com")
                         (port 1197))

Best regards,

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