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bug#43138: Stack overflow in emacs 27 because of preloading emacs-seq

From: Pierre Langlois
Subject: bug#43138: Stack overflow in emacs 27 because of preloading emacs-seq
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2020 22:20:17 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 27.1

Hi Mark,

Mark H Weaver writes:

> Hi Pierre,
> Pierre Langlois <pierre.langlois@gmx.com> writes:
>> [...] However, it mentions that `emacs-seq` has been
>> included in emacs proper for a while.
>> So, what would be the best fix for this? Should we remove `emacs-seq`
>> entirely or try and patch it? Since we don't support previous versions
>> of emacs I don't know if we need it.
> If 'emacs-seq' is included in Emacs 27, it seems to me that we should
> just delete it, unless there's something I'm missing.

Agreed, I was curious if there was another reason for needing it, since
I /believe/ it's been in emacs proper since 25, but emacs-seq was added
in to guix after that. I suspect it it's still listed as a dependency
for packages, even though it's not actually needed.

Anyways, I've reconfigured my system with the following patch to fix the
issue, let me know if that looks OK! The packages that depended on it
build just fine, although I don't use them directly -- I was pulling
emacs-seq from emacs-org-roam which depends on emacs-biblio, but I'm not
using this feature.

Oh, another thing, I wanted to warn potential users of emacs-seq with a
deprecation warning using (guix deprecation), like:

    ;; seq.el is included into emacs.
    (define-deprecated emacs-seq emacs)

It would be good to do that so somebody isn't tempted to re-add it when
it's listed a dependency.  But that triggers errors:

    error: emacs: unbound variable
    hint: Did you forget a `use-modules' form?

Am I using it wrong? The (gnu packages emacs) module is included of


Attachment: 0001-gnu-Remove-emacs-seq-package.patch
Description: Text Data

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