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bug#47260: Package GNU MediaGoblin as a Guix service

From: Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Subject: bug#47260: Package GNU MediaGoblin as a Guix service
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2021 08:40:44 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.15; emacs 27.2

Ben Sturmfels <ben@sturm.com.au> writes:

> On Mon, 22 Mar 2021, Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
>> If you need support for m3u-playlists, you can use the player I wrote
>> here: https://www.draketo.de/software/m3u-player
>> → https://www.draketo.de/software/m3u-player.js (save as utf-8)
>> (that m3u-playlists aren’t supported out of the box in most players is a
>> strange oversight, the code adds it for video- and audio-tags, License:
>> GPLv2 or later — just ask me if you need something else)
>> There’s also an enhanced version for Freenet, but that has lots of
>> performance-changes to work over high-latency networks and with paranoid
>> CSP-settings:
>> https://github.com/freenet/fred/pull/721/files#diff-33cbf95723ae7b33eb205cf9adc3411b2098e27ba757e553406f689a4fafb802
> Thanks Arne! I've forwarded this on to mediagoblin-devel@gnu.org so we
> don't lose track of it.

Thank you!

I added one change last week to support mobile browsers which answer
"maybe" to the query `mediaTag.canPlayType('audio/x-mpegurl')` (yes,
seriously, and it is in the spec :-) ).

Also I backported the not freenet specific changes:
- prefetch the next three tracks as blob and keep at most 10 tracks
  cached to allow for fast track skipping (and now actually release the
- adjustments to allow for inlining and survive the non-utf8-encoding.
- continue automatically when fetch succeeded if playback was stopped
  because it reached the end (but not if paused).
- minimal mouseover for the back and forward arrows.

When a https-m3u-list refers to a http-file, it falls back from fetching
blobs to rewriting the src-part of the tag (because blobs cannot be
fetched from a less secure resource).

This is how it looks: https://www.draketo.de/software/m3u-player.html

The changes are included in https://www.draketo.de/software/m3u-player.js

You can use it like this:

<script src="m3u-player.js" defer="defer"></script>
<audio src="m3u-player-example-playlist.m3u" controls="controls">
not supported?

To make this bug-report independent of my site, here’s the full code:

// [[file:m3u-player.org::*The script][The script:1]]
// @license 
const nodes = document.querySelectorAll("audio,video");
const playlists = {};
const prefetchedTracks = new Map(); // use a map for insertion order, so we can 
just blow away old entries.
// maximum prefetched blobs that are kept.
// maximum allowed number of entries in a playlist to prevent OOM attacks 
against the browser with self-referencing playlists
const PLAYLIST_MIME_TYPES = ["audio/x-mpegurl", "audio/mpegurl", 
function stripUrlParameters(link) {
  const url = new URL(link, window.location);
  url.search = "";
  url.hash = "";
  return url.href;
function isPlaylist(link) {
  const linkHref = stripUrlParameters(link);
  return linkHref.endsWith(".m3u") || linkHref.endsWith(".m3u8");
function isBlob(link) {
  return new URL(link, window.location).protocol == 'blob';
function parsePlaylist(textContent) {
  return textContent.match(/^(?!#)(?!\s).*$/mg)
    .filter(s => s); // filter removes empty strings
 * Download the given playlist, parse it, and store the tracks in the
 * global playlists object using the url as key.
 * Runs callback once the playlist downloaded successfully.
function fetchPlaylist(url, onload, onerror) {
  const playlistFetcher = new XMLHttpRequest();
  playlistFetcher.open("GET", url, true);
  playlistFetcher.responseType = "blob"; // to get a mime type
  playlistFetcher.onload = () => {
    if (PLAYLIST_MIME_TYPES.includes(playlistFetcher.response.type)) { // 
security check to ensure that filters have run
      const reader = new FileReader();
      const load = onload; // propagate to inner scope
      reader.addEventListener("loadend", e => {
        playlists[url] = parsePlaylist(reader.result);
    } else {
      console.error("playlist must have one of the playlist MIME type '" + 
PLAYLIST_MIME_TYPES + "' but it had MIME type '" + 
playlistFetcher.response.type + "'.");
  playlistFetcher.onerror = onerror;
  playlistFetcher.abort = onerror;
function prefetchTrack(url, onload) {
  if (prefetchedTracks.has(url)) {
  // first cleanup: kill the oldest entries until we're back at the allowed size
  while (prefetchedTracks.size > MAX_PREFETCH_KEEP) {
    const key = prefetchedTracks.keys().next().value;
    const track = prefetchedTracks.get(key);
  // first set the prefetched to the url so we will never request twice
  prefetchedTracks.set(url, url);
  // now start replacing it with a blob
  const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
  xhr.open("GET", url, true);
  xhr.responseType = "blob";
  xhr.onload = () => {
    prefetchedTracks.set(url, xhr.response);
    if (onload) {
function updateSrc(mediaTag, callback) {
  const playlistUrl = mediaTag.getAttribute("playlist");
  const trackIndex =  mediaTag.getAttribute("track-index");
  // deepcopy playlists to avoid shared mutation
  let playlist = [...playlists[playlistUrl]];
  let trackUrl = playlist[trackIndex];
  // download and splice in playlists as needed
  if (isPlaylist(trackUrl)) {
    if (playlist.length >= MAX_PLAYLIST_LENGTH) {
      // skip playlist if we already have too many tracks
      changeTrack(mediaTag, +1);
    } else {
      // do not use the cached playlist here, though it is tempting: it might 
genuinely change to allow for updates
        () => {
          playlist.splice(trackIndex, 1, ...playlists[trackUrl]);
          playlists[playlistUrl] = playlist;
          updateSrc(mediaTag, callback);
        () => callback());
  } else {
    let url = prefetchedTracks.has(trackUrl)
        ? prefetchedTracks.get(trackUrl) instanceof Blob
        ? URL.createObjectURL(prefetchedTracks.get(trackUrl))
        : trackUrl : trackUrl;
    const oldUrl = mediaTag.getAttribute("src");
    mediaTag.setAttribute("src", url);
    // replace the url when done, because a blob from an xhr request
    // is more reliable in the media tag;
    // the normal URL caused jumping prematurely to the next track.
    if (url == trackUrl) {
      prefetchTrack(trackUrl, () => {
        if (mediaTag.paused) {
          if (url == mediaTag.getAttribute("src")) {
            if (mediaTag.currentTime === 0) {
              mediaTag.setAttribute("src", URL.createObjectURL(
    // allow releasing memory
    if (isBlob(oldUrl)) {
    // update title
    mediaTag.parentElement.querySelector(".m3u-player--title").title = trackUrl;
    mediaTag.parentElement.querySelector(".m3u-player--title").textContent = 
    // start prefetching the next three tracks.
    for (const i of [1, 2, 3]) {
      if (playlist.length > Number(trackIndex) + i) {
        prefetchTrack(playlist[Number(trackIndex) + i]);
function changeTrack(mediaTag, diff) {
  const currentTrackIndex = Number(mediaTag.getAttribute("track-index"));
  const nextTrackIndex = currentTrackIndex + diff;
  const tracks = playlists[mediaTag.getAttribute("playlist")];
  if (nextTrackIndex >= 0) { // do not collapse the if clauses with double-and, 
that does not survive inlining
    if (tracks.length > nextTrackIndex) {
    mediaTag.setAttribute("track-index", nextTrackIndex);
      updateSrc(mediaTag, () => mediaTag.play());

 * Turn a media tag into playlist player.
function initPlayer(mediaTag) {
  mediaTag.setAttribute("playlist", mediaTag.getAttribute("src"));
  mediaTag.setAttribute("track-index", 0);
  const url = mediaTag.getAttribute("playlist");
  const wrapper = 
mediaTag.parentElement.insertBefore(document.createElement("div"), mediaTag);
  const controls = document.createElement("div");
  const left = document.createElement("span");
  const title = document.createElement("span");
  const right = document.createElement("span");
  title.style.overflow = "hidden";
  title.style.textOverflow = "ellipsis";
  title.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
  title.style.opacity = "0.3";
  title.style.direction = "rtl"; // for truncation on the left
  title.style.paddingLeft = "0.5em";
  title.style.paddingRight = "0.5em";
  controls.style.display = "flex";
  controls.style.justifyContent = "space-between";
  const styleTag = document.createElement("style");
  styleTag.innerHTML = ".m3u-player--left:hover, .m3u-player--right:hover 
{color: wheat; background-color: DarkSlateGray}";
  controls.style.width = mediaTag.getBoundingClientRect().width.toString() + 
  // appending the media tag to the wrapper removes it from the outer scope but 
keeps the event listeners
  left.innerHTML = "&lt;"; // not textContent, because we MUST escape
                           // the tag here and textContent shows the
                           // escaped version
  left.onclick = () => changeTrack(mediaTag, -1);
  right.innerHTML = "&gt;";
  right.onclick = () => changeTrack(mediaTag, +1);
    () => {
      updateSrc(mediaTag, () => null);
      mediaTag.addEventListener("ended", event => {
        if (mediaTag.currentTime >= mediaTag.duration) {
          changeTrack(mediaTag, +1);
    () => null);
  // keep the controls aligned to the media tag
  mediaTag.resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(entries => {
    controls.style.width = entries[0].contentRect.width.toString() + "px";
function processTag(mediaTag) {
  const canPlayClaim = mediaTag.canPlayType('audio/x-mpegurl');
  let supportsPlaylists = !!canPlayClaim;
  if (canPlayClaim == 'maybe') { // yes, seriously: specced as you only know 
when you try
    supportsPlaylists = false;
  if (!supportsPlaylists) {
    if (isPlaylist(mediaTag.getAttribute("src"))) {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  const nodes = document.querySelectorAll("audio,video");
// @license-end
// The script:1 ends here

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken

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