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bug#47557: attempting to package MegaZeux

From: Leo Prikler
Subject: bug#47557: attempting to package MegaZeux
Date: Sat, 03 Apr 2021 00:59:24 +0200
User-agent: Evolution 3.34.2

Am Donnerstag, den 01.04.2021, 17:08 -0700 schrieb vidak@riseup.net:
> Hello!
> I am attempting to package this piece of software:
> https://github.com/AliceLR/megazeux
> However I am having issues understanding exactly how to deal with its
> non-standard build process.
> I have attached the work I have already done to this email.
> Could anyone help me understand where I am going wrong?
The original issue was, that you weren't splitting your arguments
correctly.  (list "argument with spaces") counts as a single argument,
not three.  After adjusting that, I encountered some additional errors
coming from the build system/missing inputs and fixed those up as well,
getting the package into a state in which it at least builds and tests.

> Thanks so much for your time (:
You're welcome.  I've attached a patch, that contains my fixes, which
should apply cleanly to guix master.  It mostly follows Guix coding
standards, but it noticeably falls short in the description.  I haven't
found anything, that's useful.  Is there a way of describing this
package in terms of its features?

> https://bootlicker.party
That's a nice domain to have reserved ;)


Attachment: 0001-gnu-Add-megazeux.patch
Description: Text Data

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