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bug#31719: Chains of dependencies getting longer

From: Carlo Zancanaro
Subject: bug#31719: Chains of dependencies getting longer
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2021 08:26:05 +1000
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.15; emacs 27.2

On Sat, Apr 17 2021, Björn Höfling wrote:
Sorry, I currently don't find the time to look at the problem. Would someone else give it a try?

I just had a quick look, and I think we can resolve it by changing the patch-jni-libs to not rewrite references to "mlib_image" and "splashscreen". It looks like they're provided as part of the JVM built itself, but our build phase hard codes a reference to the previous JVM's build result instead of using the current JVM's build result. They're the only dependencies I've found so far, but I've only looked at openjdk10 and openjdk14.

I'll put together a patch later today, if I haven't been beaten to it by then.


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