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bug#50809: tla2tools fails to build

From: Andrew Patterson
Subject: bug#50809: tla2tools fails to build
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2021 00:02:29 -0400
User-agent: mu4e 1.6.6; emacs 27.2

tla2tools fails to build with a hash mismatch:

Attachment: log-tla2tools-1.8.0-current
Description: current - hash mismatch

I tried the obvious fix of putting in the correct hash, but then it failed with a patch failure:

Attachment: log-tla2tools-1.8.0-correct-hash
Description: correct hash - patch failed

Given that the current tag v1.8.0 is from 2021-09-14 while ~git blame~ says that tla2tools hasn't been touched since 2021-04-15, something weird is definitely going on. I could continue to try and hack this into working, but I don't know how I would make sure this doesn't happen again, and I would prefer if whoever wrote this originally (apparently Mike Gerwitz or Ludovic Courtès?) could at least help.

Andrew Patterson

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