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bug#53028: Acknowledgement (nextcloud client segfaults)

From: Γυψ
Subject: bug#53028: Acknowledgement (nextcloud client segfaults)
Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2022 11:03:48 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.6.10; emacs 27.2

I looked at the difference between the last generation nextcloud-client
worked and the first it segfaults and the list of differences is shown
below [1].

Since nextcloud is a QT application not even gtk+ should make the
difference. Therefore I suspect that it is in the nextcloud-client@3.2
source where the reason for the error is located.

I tried to switch back to 3.1.3 but there doesn't seem to be an older
version for nextcloud-client any more.

> $ guix install nextcloud-client@3.1.3
> guix install: error: nextcloud-client: package not found for version 3.1.3

-- Alex

[1] different packages between working and non-working generation (only
 packages with different versions are shown, versions, not hashes are
 + python-jupyterlab    3.2.5                   out     
 - python-jupyterlab    2.2.9                   out     
 + ungoogled-chromium   96.0.4664.110-1         out     
 - ungoogled-chromium   96.0.4664.93-1          out     
 + nextcloud-client     3.2.0                   out     
 - nextcloud-client     3.1.3                   out     
 + flameshot            0.10.2                  out     
 - flameshot            0.8.5                   out     
 + cups                 2.3.3op2                out     
 - cups                 2.3.3                   out     
 + evince               40.2                    out     
 - evince               3.36.5                  out     
 + rofi                 1.7.2                   out     
 - rofi                 1.7.0                   out     
 + gtk+                 3.24.30                 out     
 - gtk+                 3.24.24                 out     
 + poppler              21.07.0                 out     
 - poppler              0.86.1                  out     
 + pulseaudio           15.0                    out     
 - pulseaudio           14.0                    out     
 + texlive              20210325                out     
 - texlive              20190410                out     
 + cmake                3.21.3                  out     
 - cmake                3.21.1                  out     
 + weechat              3.4                     out     
 - weechat              3.3                     out     
 + gnupg                2.2.32                  out     
 - gnupg                2.2.29                  out     
 + file                 5.41                    out     
 - file                 5.38                    out     

On Wed, Jan 05 2022, 16:22:01, help-debbugs@gnu.org (GNU bug Tracking System) 

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