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bug#60010: [version 1.4.0] AMD screen stays black; modprobe fails

From: Josselin Poiret
Subject: bug#60010: [version 1.4.0] AMD screen stays black; modprobe fails
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2022 21:11:55 +0100

Hi Florian,

"pelzflorian (Florian Pelz)" <pelzflorian@pelzflorian.de> writes:

> So I tried waiting until it exists before modprobe (in the attached
> patch).  But modprobe still fails in the same way, according to dmesg,
> even though the file evidently already existed.

I don't think there's a race issue with the files being available:
shepherd should start after system activation (so /run/current-system
exists), and after /gnu/store was mounted in the early userspace.

> I will try tomorrow to get an strace.  The installer worked fine in …
> August I believe.

You could also probably try logging the system* call in some temporary
log file, by using some bash redirection (or with-current-output-port
and friends).

By the way, why is the modprobe binary inside a #+?  The target will want
to be able to run the binary itself, right?  Shouldn't it be #$?

Josselin Poiret

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