With PopUpSponsor you can earn $5 per thousand visitors or $3 per thousand visitors with non-aggressive single pop up! All
our payments are on-time and never late. If you're curious
about when we've historically issued payments, follow the "payment history" link on this
All members
will receive a check every month if their balance is over $25 dollars.
Members earn $.005 per unique visitor, that's $5 for every thousand
unique visitors or $3 for every thousand visitors with a non-aggressive single pop-up. You will also
earn 10% of all referred webmaster's earnings.
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Find out the answers to questions that our webpublishers ask the
most. Join: Use our sign up form to
register and you'll be ready to start earning extra money in less
than 60 seconds. Login: Login to the members area
to view statistics and money earned. Get code: Retrieve the _javascript_
code for your website. Terms: Review the terms of service if
there are any issues that you are unsure of.