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Litoo's newsletter

From: Saint-Remi Group, International Bookseller Publisher
Subject: Litoo's newsletter
Date: Sat, 02 Nov 2002 19:39:54 +0100

sacrecoeur.gif (4700 octets)Litoo's letter
(November, 2002)

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(Si vous souhaitez recevoir notre lettre en français, voyez notre page réservée à notre lettre d'information.)
New releases
No new release in english this month. Therefore, we advise you to go and have a look to our french letter on http://www.litoo.com/lettre/france/lettrelitoo200211.htm
Let's say that we do offer several promotions for our french books.
Our Graphic corporation
asterix1.gif (15539 octets)In order to extend our activity and to be able to cover the whole market of Graphic Arts, Saint-Remi Group is developping a new corporation dedicated to the market of Graphic Arts.
A web site http://www.pressoo.com , a subscription to the first european marketplace in Graphic Arts and a dedicated network in the printing industry will insure a good development for our Group.
You can yet ask our network for your needs in Graphic Arts. If you know some buyers in great companies or you nead a commercial leaflet or something else, please let it know, we will give you an estimation.
Buy on line
Let us remember that our payment system is common to great web sites as 01net.com or leroymerlin.com !
We can see all the sites using this system on http://www.sogenactif.com
A package of services helps you to order on-line. 
These services are:
  • A system to identify yourself that will recognize you each time you come on our website so that you will have to give your coordinates just once for all your orders. On the second time and the others, thanks to special cookies, we will recognize you. You can modify your coordinates at any time.
  • ClientWe do send our products all over the world thanks to an exhaustive list of all the world countries. A lot of tests has been done in the whole process to avoid any misorder. The taxes and shipping costs are calculted automatically.
  • You can now send a book to a third person.
  • Each order can be estimated on-line before your payment.
  • The complete billing of your order with its charcteristics (recommanded, priority, ...) and all the transaction references from the bank in case of disagreement. This billing will be visible on the screen and you will receive a mail for it.
  • The order made with a credit card is all the most securised thanks to the SET protocol which follows the international rules for internet banking. These operations are made by an automatic dialogue from server to server that avoid anyy mistake during the order process.
  • An estimation for the check payment is disponible on your screen. That allows you to print it and send it with your check.
  • Finally we keep the details of your order in our tables.
  • You instantly receive a bill by mail sent in the same time to our commercial services
Be our camelots

Send us some friend email list

You are journalist, manager of a magazine, radio, television; you organise with Litoo some articles and emissions about our books and works. Litoo 's managers will be pleased to answer your propositions.

You know a bookshop or a bookstore and they don't have even one of our books. Tell them just to contact us to solve this little mistaken.

monkey13.gif (15346 octets)Our activity of Bookseller and publisher allows us either to publish our own books, either to sell  the books of other publishers. Please ask for a cost estimation. We do precise that the language of the book is not a problem for us.

For webmasters, see our page for downloads. A banner is disponible to put a link on your page.
monkey14.gif (21962 octets)
To help us in the diffusion of this letter, tell your friends to subscribe. (go to our special page for our newsletter)

Download our catalog from our web.
If you wish to receive our paper catalog sorted by title or by author or by category, just send a mail to us.

© Group Saint-Remi SARL of a 10066 Euros capital n° Siren: 440397347
Litoo.com International Bokkseller-Publisher
BP 79 33410 Cadillac FRANCE
Tel / Fax: 0556767480

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