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Re: Upstreaming the glibc Hurd port

From: Samuel Thibault
Subject: Re: Upstreaming the glibc Hurd port
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2018 02:10:51 +0100
User-agent: NeoMutt/20170113 (1.7.2)


Joseph Myers, on ven. 19 janv. 2018 17:23:29 +0000, wrote:
> Could Hurd people review how this handles building for Hurd,

Yes, it looks good.

> and indicate whether the above errors indicate problems with these
> changes, or simply incompleteness of the build support on the
> sthibaul/hurd-builds branch at present?

They are not related to the changes.  I have pushed fix updates against

There is just one missing thing: mig prototypes etc. are not perfect,
and we thus have some nasty warnings about void * vs const void *. We'd
have to use

         if self.os == 'gnu':
             cfg_cmd += ['MIG=%s' % self.tool_name('mig')]
+            cfg_cmd += ['--disable-werror']

for now until we fix that.


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