I trust more in the clean syntax of GNU HURD and NetBSD rather than GNU LINUX one
I prefer GNU MACH microkernel than GNU LINUX
My focus is GNU MACH rather than just hardware recycling
An exaggerated hardware recycling focus could leave me with Puppy Linux related projects, but I know GNU MACH superior to an orthodox monolithic kernel
Leonardo Ruilova
While you are welcome to the Hurd project, I am wondering: why choosing
the Hurd rather than Linux? AIUI Linux would answer your needs, and it
will be a much lower struggle to get it working on the various hardware
that your recycling campain will get.
frater n, le dim. 04 déc. 2022 12:47:19 -0300, a ecrit:
> My name is (Virgilio) Leonardo Ruilova, I come from Chile, I am a physically
> disabled final user
> I use only touch screen, I can't use keyboard or mouse
> I would like to design measures and campaigns to recruit volunteers for GNU
> Final users don't notice the similar technology between GNU MACH and Apple
> The betatesting community are the only final users able to contribute to GNU
> HURD project
> I see the need to show in a simple, elegant and minimamistic web page, a degree
> of compatibility between:
> Debian GNU Linux binaries and GNU HURD
> GTK software and GNU HURD
> NetBSD drivers and GNU HURD
> RAM lower than 1 GB is optimal in a hardware recicling campaign
> Best regards
> Leonardo Ruilova