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Re: AArch64 open issues page

From: jbranso
Subject: Re: AArch64 open issues page
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2024 19:41:45 +0000

September 28, 2024 at 3:40 PM, jbranso@dismail.de mailto:jbranso@dismail.de  

Apoligies.  I meant to send this to myself.

> # Hurd on aarch64 notes this may be in the public domain
> ## Build gnumach
> Prepare the crosscompiler environment
> ```
> PREFIX=~/src/crosshurd-aarch64
> mkdir $PREFIX
> mkdir $PREFIX/{src,include,aarch64-gnu}; ln -s ../include 
> $PREFIX/aarch64-gnu/sys-include; ln -s ../lib $PREFIX/aarch64-gnu/lib
> ```
> Compile binutils
> ```
> cd $PREFIX/src
> git clone https://sourceware.org/git/binutils-gdb.git
> mv binutils-gdb/ binutils
> cd binutils
> mkdir build
> cd build
> ../configure --disable-werror --target=aarch64-gnu --prefix=$PREFIX 
> --with-lib-path=$PREFIX/lib
> make
> make install
> ```
> Compile gcc
> ```
> cd $PREFIX/src
> git clone https://gcc.gnu.org/git/gcc.git
> cd gcc
> mkdir build
> cd build
> ../configure --prefix=$PREFIX --target=aarch64-gnu 
> --with-lib-path=$PREFIX/lib --disable-multilib --enable-languages=c && make 
> all-gcc && make install-gcc
> ```
> Might need the patch at 
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-hurd/2024-03/msg00110.html
> Compile gnumach and install headers, Sergey branch
> ```
> cd $PREFIX/src
> git clone https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/hurd/gnumach.git
> cd gnumach
> git remote add bugaevc https://github.com/bugaevc/gnumach.git
> git fetch bugaevc
> git switch -c wip-aarch64 bugaevc/wip-aarch64
> autoreconf -i && mkdir build && cd build && CC=gcc ../configure 
> --prefix=$PREFIX --host=aarch64-gnu && make install-data
> ```
> Set PATH variable:
> ```
> ```
> Install mig
> ```
> cd $PREFIX/src
> git clone https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/hurd/mig.git
> cd mig
> autoreconf -i
> mkdir build && cd build
> ../configure --target=aarch64-gnu --prefix=$PREFIX && make && make install
> ```
> Install hurd headers
> ```
> cd $PREFIX/src
> git clone https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/hurd/hurd.git
> cd hurd
> git remote add bugaevc https://github.com/bugaevc/hurd.git
> git fetch bugaevc
> git switch -c aarch64 bugaevc/aarch64
> autoreconf -i && mkdir build && cd build && CC=gcc ../configure 
> --host=aarch64-gnu --without-parted --without-libcrypt --without-libbz2 
> --without-libz --without-rump && make no_deps=t prefix=$PREFIX install-headers
> ```
> Install glibc headers
> ```
> cd $PREFIX/src
> git clone https://sourceware.org/git/glibc.git
> cd glibc/
> git remote add bugaevc https://github.com/bugaevc/glibc.git
> git fetch bugaevc
> git switch -c aarch64-gnu bugaevc/aarch64-gnu
> mkdir build && cd build && ../configure --disable-mathvec --host=aarch64-gnu 
> --prefix= && make install-headers DESTDIR=$PREFIX
> touch $PREFIX/include/gnu/stubs.h $PREFIX/lib/libc.so && make csu/subdir_lib 
> && install csu/crt1.o csu/crti.o csu/crtn.o $PREFIX/lib
> ```
> Make libgcc
> ```
> cd $PREFIX/src
> cd gcc/build
> make configure-target-libgcc && make all-target-libgcc && make 
> install-target-libgcc
> ```
> Make gnumach for real now
> ```
> cd $PREFIX/src
> cd gnumach
> rm -r build && mkdir build && cd build && ../configure --prefix=$PREFIX 
> --host=aarch64-gnu && make
> ```
> Check booting notes in aarch64/BOOTING.
> Test gnumach:
> ```
> cd $PREFIX/src
> cd gnumach/build
> make 
> tests/module-{hello,gsync,mach_host,machmsg,mach_port,syscalls,task,threads,vm,thread-state}
> qemu-system-aarch64 -m 1G -machine virt -cpu max -kernel gnumach -nographic 
> -append "foo=bar" -device 
> guest-loader,kernel=tests/module-hello,bootargs="module-hello "'${host-port} 
> ${device-port} $(task-create) $(task-resume)',addr=0x4000
> for test in gsync hello mach_host machmsg mach_port syscalls task threads vm; 
> do qemu-system-aarch64 -m 1G -machine virt -cpu max -kernel gnumach 
> -nographic -append "foo=bar" -device 
> guest-loader,kernel=tests/module-$test,bootargs="module-$test "'${host-port} 
> ${device-port} $(task-create) $(task-resume)',addr=0x4000; done
> ```
> ## Debug gnumach:
> ```
> qemu-system-aarch64 -m 1G -machine virt -cpu max -kernel gnumach -nographic 
> -append "foo=bar" -device 
> guest-loader,kernel=tests/module-hello,bootargs="module-hello "'${host-port} 
> ${device-port} $(task-create) $(task-resume)',addr=0x4000
> ```
> in another terminal (tab), run gdb, enter tar ext :1234, then p $pc. $pc is 
> in 0x40000000. Enter si 6 times, $pc should jump to 0x0000000040200000. 
> symbol-file gnumach.elf -o $pc.
> ## Build Das U-Boot
> Make Arm Trusted Firmware:
> ```
> cd $PREFIX/src
> git clone https://github.com/ARM-software/arm-trusted-firmware.git
> cd arm-trusted-firmware
> export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-gnu-
> export ARCH=arm64
> make PLAT=sun50i_a64 bl31
> ```
> Make crust:
> ```
> cd $PREFIX/src
> git clone https://github.com/crust-firmware/crust
> cd crust
> export CROSS_COMPILE=or1k-elf-
> make a64-olinuxino_defconfig
> make scp
> ```
> Download Das U-boot:
> ```
> cd $PREFIX/src
> git clone https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot.git
> ```
> Make Das U-boot:
> ```
> cd $PREFIX/src
> cd u-boot
> export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-gnu-
> export BL31=$PREFIX/src/arm-trusted-firmware/build/sun50i_a64/release/bl31.bin
> export ARCH=arm64
> export SCP=$PREFIX/src/crust/build/scp/scp.bin
> make distclean
> make a64-olinuxino_defconfig
> make all
> ```
> Install u-boot:
> ```
> sudo dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/[CHANGE THIS] bs=1024 seek=8 
> ```
> ## Boot gnumach with Das U-boot
> ### Boot from serial
> After copying dt.dtb from u-boot, gnumach and tests/module-hello from gnumach 
> in a local directory. Boot the system in u-boot. Then from a serial terminal 
> run:
> ```
> loady 0x42000000
>  <== load gnumach size:0x00069c58
> loady 0x60000000
>  <== load module-hello size:0x000779e0
> loady 0x42200000
>  <== load dt.dtb size:0x0000a018
> fdt addr 0x42200000
> fdt resize
> fdt set /chosen bootargs "foo=bar"
> fdt set /chosen \#address-cells <0x2>
> fdt set /chosen \#size-cells <0x2>
> fdt mknod /chosen module@0x60000000
> fdt set /chosen/module@0x60000000 compatible "multiboot,kernel" 
> "multiboot,module"
> fdt set /chosen/module@0x60000000 reg <0x0 0x60000000 0x0 0x000779e0>
> fdt set /chosen/module@0x60000000 bootargs "module-hello "'${host-port} 
> ${device-port} $(task-create) $(task-resume)'
> fdt print /chosen
> booti 0x42000000 - 0x42200000
> ```
> Where <== load commands are terminal-emulator dependent.
> ### Boot from smartcard
> Copy dt.dtb, gnumach, gnumach-tracing and all modules on the sd card. The 
> tracing version of gnumach is obtained by cherrypicking the relative commit 
> in a gnumach tree and rebuilding gnumach:
> ```
> git cherry-pick ee177f52680116538192b2c0c5d9a08e174c007f
> ```
> Create the file boot.cmd on the smartcard:
> ```
> if itest $trace != 0; then load mmc 0:1 0x42000000 gnumach-tracing; else load 
> mmc 0:1 0x42000000 gnumach; fi
> load mmc 0:1 0x60000000 $module
> load mmc 0:1 0x42200000 dt.dtb
> fdt addr 0x42200000
> fdt resize
> fdt set /chosen bootargs "foo=bar"
> fdt set /chosen \#address-cells <0x2>
> fdt set /chosen \#size-cells <0x2>
> fdt mknod /chosen module@0x60000000
> fdt set /chosen/module@0x60000000 compatible "multiboot,kernel" 
> "multiboot,module"
> fdt set /chosen/module@0x60000000 reg <0x0 0x60000000 0x0 0x04000000>
> fdt set /chosen/module@0x60000000 bootargs "$module "'${host-port} 
> ${device-port} $(task-create) $(task-resume)'
> booti 0x42000000 - 0x42200000
> ```
> Compile it with:
> ```
> mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d boot.cmd boot.scr
> ```
> Boot into Das u-boot, interrupt automatic booting to set the variables before:
> ```
> trace=0
> module=module-hello
> boot
> ```
> modify trace to a different number to start the version of gnumach compiled 
> with tracing.

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