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[Bug-kawa] it has been a while

From: Jadwiga
Subject: [Bug-kawa] it has been a while
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2006 03:53:11 +0400

Hello Yet, look where she would, Dorothy could discover no bells at all in the great glass hall.
I haven't heard from you in a while. Hope you are doing good? The Mangaboo people listened, but showed no great interest.
I was on the net and saw this backgammon site. I even got to play with my brother. It was one of the things Gwig usually did to prove he was a sorcerer.
2 mil strong playing and growing Now was the Wizard's turn, so he smiled upon the assemblage and asked: Will somebody kindly loan me a hat? No one did, because the Mangaboos did not wear hats, and Zeb had lost his, somehow, in his flight through the air.
I won the first time a played and had a lot of fun. Ahem! said the Wizard, will somebody please loan me a handkerchief? But they had no handkerchiefs, either.
This how I got to the site www.gammon-home.net Very good, remarked the Wizard.
Keep in touch, I'll use my own hat, if you please.
Your Buddy
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