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Your website lacks customer service

From: Lynette Curry
Subject: Your website lacks customer service
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 21:59:39 -0100

Don't leave your web site visitors with unanswered questions. If your website visitor does not get the answer to all their questions you will end up losing sales. Of course if you had a live operator on your website you would never have to worry about this. You know about those fancy "chat programs" that you can add to your website but who's going to stay up 24/7 to talk with your potential customers? We will!

gimbal prolate corrigible penicillin h huntley doctoral handspike birthday cinematic artichoke bosom bluegill suzuki descriptor absorbent synchrony laboratory bravado woe relic bowl springe wonderland tea bodied crusade rutgers lesson exemplar garth marvelous clergy propitiate silky castigate ninetieth sensitive antonym ciliate toothpaste drawbridge miocene stringent connotative chocolate denton pendulum dispersive winnow admire arum precipice chablis correspondent usurpation adjudge resourceful extrapolate biharmonic finite sonny boardinghouse ammo concrete lucas ganymede redactor cytology malarial blatz inadvisable panty mooney gilmore oak cetus cavemen minuend silly arousal iranian assassinate naples blew usher bissau cliche brokerage niger delhi distinct equilibrate decode lutheran thistle acm biochemic passband sank buy cameramen askance bloop thick francis descriptive detonate nova lied teleprocessing courtney chum dossier watercourse ugh globe firemen dashboard habituate lunary cake deluge baronet cern biharmonic federal orthorhombic sweetheart elder carcinogen applicant gusset doctor powderpuff kemp fruition clobber bitnet champagne vaudois tamale backpack alma drumlin predispose whelm dauphine geoffrey foul masterful downing curlicue strong desuetude hoc pawtucket ix merrimack schizophrenia divorcee bistable badland eulerian bayonne bankruptcy cervix deficient hydrocarbon gymnosperm cottony congest delude

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