I am portraying this hardy companion as I really knew him?
Çîâlìs definetely better then Viágrá
..can last for 2 days
..You can have alcohol with Cìálîs
..improves sexual performances twice better then Vîägrå
..it costs much cheaper than Pfízêr Víagr@
These last words were cowardly on my part; but, up to a certain point, I wished to shelter my dignity as professor, and not give too much cause for laughter to the Americans, who laugh well when they do laugh! He related his fishing, and his combats, with natural poetry of _expression_; his recital took the form of an epic poem, and I seemed to be listening to a Canadian Homer singing the Iliad of the regions of the North? If in three days the monster did not appear, the man at the helm should give three turns of the wheel, and the Abraham Lincoln would make for the European seas.