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Re: Solaris & libtool (continued)

From: Ralf Wildenhues
Subject: Re: Solaris & libtool (continued)
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 17:37:36 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

Hi there,

* Пухальский Юрий Андреевич wrote on Tue, Mar 22, 2005 at 05:21:38PM CET:
> Yes, the first line fails, and second succeeds.

Great.  Could you just try one more thing for me, then we should be done
with the f77demo stuff at least.  :)

Save the attachment, go to your libtool-1.5.14 directory, and
$ patch -p0 < path/to/f77configure.patch

then rerun all Fortran tests with VERBOSE=x.  Do they succeed now?
If not, send output plus config.log.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ralf Wildenhues [mailto:address@hidden 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 17:39 PM
> To: Пухальский Юрий Андреевич
> Cc: address@hidden
> Subject: Re: Solaris & libtool (continued)
> To verify this: can you please try executing the following commands:
> echo 'int main () { return 0; }' > a.c
> # the next line should fail:
> cc -o a -g a.c -lf77compat -R/opt/SUNWspro/lib/v8plus:/opt/SUNWspro/lib 
> -L/opt/SUNWspro/lib/v8plus -L/opt/SUNWspro/prod/lib/v8plus 
> -L/opt/SUNWspro/lib -L/opt/SUNWspro/prod/lib -L/usr/ccs/lib -L/lib -L/usr/lib 
> -lompstubs -lfui -lfai -lfai2 -lfsumai -lfprodai -lfminlai -lfmaxlai 
> -lfminvai -lfmaxvai -lfsu -lsunmath -lm
> # but this line should succeed:
> cc -o a -g a.c -lf77compat -R/opt/SUNWspro/lib/v8plus:/opt/SUNWspro/lib 
> -L/opt/SUNWspro/lib/v8plus -L/opt/SUNWspro/prod/lib/v8plus 
> -L/opt/SUNWspro/lib -L/opt/SUNWspro/prod/lib -L/usr/ccs/lib -L/lib -L/usr/lib 
> -zallextract -lompstubs -zdefaultextract -lfui -lfai -lfai2 -lfsumai 
> -lfprodai -lfminlai -lfmaxlai -lfminvai -lfmaxvai -lfsu -lsunmath -lm

Attachment: f77configure.patch
Description: Text document

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