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tagdemo link problem libtool HEAD / AIX 5.3

From: Rainer Tammer
Subject: tagdemo link problem libtool HEAD / AIX 5.3
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 00:38:29 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071009 SeaMonkey/1.1.5

here are some additional information for the link problem under AIX:

I have used the gcc 4.2.2 version www.perzl.org.

tagdemo link

g++ \
 -g \
 -O2 \
 -Wl,-brtl \
 -o .libs/tagdemo \
 main.o  \
 -Wl,-bnoquiet \
 -L/daten/source/libtool/HEAD/libtool-20080112-gcc/tests/tagdemo/.libs \
 -L./.libs \
 -lbaz \
 -L/opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/gcc-build/./gcc \
 -L/opt/freeware/lib/gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix5.3.0.0/../.. \
 -lfoo \
 -L/opt/freeware/lib/gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix5.3.0.0/4.2.2 \
 -lstdc++ \
 -lm \
 -lc \
 -lgcc_s \

(ld): halt 4
(ld): setopt r/o->w
(ld): setopt nodelcsect
(ld): setopt rtl
(ld): setopt rtllib
(ld): setopt symbolic:1
(ld): setfflag 4
(ld): savename .libs/tagdemo
(ld): filelist 12 2
(ld): i /lib/crt0.o
(ld): i /tmp//ccwscHIH.o
(ld): i main.o
(ld): lib
(ld): lib
(ld): lib /opt/freeware/lib/gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix5.3.0.0/4.2.2/libstdc++.a
(ld): lib /opt/freeware/lib/gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix5.3.0.0/4.2.2/libgcc_s.a
(ld): lib /usr/lib/libm.a
(ld): lib /usr/lib/libc.a
(ld): i /opt/freeware/lib/gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix5.3.0.0/4.2.2/libgcc.a
(ld): lib /usr/lib/libg.a
(ld): lib /usr/lib/librtl.a
LIBRARY: Shared object libbaz.so: 2 symbols imported.
LIBRARY: Shared object libfoo.so: 8 symbols imported.
LIBRARY: Shared object libstdc++.a[libstdc++.so.6]: 3746 symbols imported.
LIBRARY: Shared object libgcc_s.a[shr.o]: 120 symbols imported.
LIBRARY: Shared object libc.a[shr.o]: 2870 symbols imported.
LIBRARY: Shared object libc.a[meth.o]: 2 symbols imported.
LIBRARY: Shared object libc.a[posix_aio.o]: 20 symbols imported.
LIBRARY: Shared object libc.a[aio.o]: 18 symbols imported.
LIBRARY: Shared object libc.a[pse.o]: 5 symbols imported.
LIBRARY: Shared object libc.a[dl.o]: 4 symbols imported.
LIBRARY: Shared object libc.a[pty.o]: 1 symbols imported.
LIBRARY: Shared object librtl.a[shr.o]: 1 symbols imported.
LIBRARY: Shared object librtl.a[lazy42.o]: 3 symbols imported.
FILELIST: Number of previously inserted files processed: 12
(ld): exports /usr/lib/libg.exp
EXPORTS: Symbols exported: 4
(ld): initfini _GLOBAL__FI_tagdemo _GLOBAL__FD_tagdemo
(ld): resolve
RESOLVE: 99 of 8708 symbols were kept.
(ld): addgl /usr/lib/glink.o
ADDGL: Glink code added for 16 symbols.
(ld): er full
ld: 0711-318 ERROR: Undefined symbols were found.
        The following symbols are in error:
 Symbol                    Inpndx  TY CL Source-File(Object-File) OR
                              RLD: Address  Section  Rld-type
Referencing Symbol
 vtable for foobar_derived [38]    ER PR main.cpp(main.o)
                                   000004f8 .data    R_POS    [893]  
 vtable for barbaz_derived [40]    ER PR main.cpp(main.o)
                                   000004fc .data    R_POS    [895]  
ER: The return code is 8.


                        ***Loader Section***

                        ***Loader Symbol Table Information***
[Index]      Value      Scn     IMEX Sclass   Type           IMPid Name

[0]     0x20000a50    .data              RW SECdef        [noIMid] __rtinit
[1]     0x00000000    undef     wIMP     RW EXTref
libstdc++.a(libstdc++.so.6) _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE
[2]     0x00000000    undef     wIMP     RW EXTref
libstdc++.a(libstdc++.so.6) _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE
[3]     0x00000000    undef      IMP     RW EXTref
libstdc++.a(libstdc++.so.6) _ZSt4cout
[4]     0x00000000    undef      IMP     DS EXTref
libstdc++.a(libstdc++.so.6) __gxx_personality_v0
[5]     0x00000000    undef     wIMP     DS EXTref
[6]     0x00000000    undef     wIMP     DS EXTref
libstdc++.a(libstdc++.so.6) _ZNSo9_M_insertIdEERSoT_
[7]     0x00000000    undef      IMP     DS EXTref
libstdc++.a(libstdc++.so.6) _ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev
[8]     0x00000000    undef      IMP     DS EXTref
libstdc++.a(libstdc++.so.6) _ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev
[9]     0x00000000    undef     wIMP     DS EXTref
[10]    0x00000000    undef      IMP     DS EXTref libgcc_s.a(shr.o)
[11]    0x00000000    undef      IMP     DS EXTref libgcc_s.a(shr.o)
[12]    0x200009ac    .data      EXP     RW   Ldef        [noIMid]
[13]    0x20000abc    .data      EXP     DS   Ldef        [noIMid]
[14]    0x20000ac8    .data      EXP     DS   Ldef        [noIMid]
[15]    0x20000ad4    .data      EXP     DS   Ldef        [noIMid] foo
[16]    0x20000ae0    .data      EXP     DS   Ldef        [noIMid]
[17]    0x20000aec    .data      EXP     DS   Ldef        [noIMid] hello
[18]    0x20000af8    .data      EXP     DS   Ldef        [noIMid]
[19]    0x20000b34    .data      EXP     DS   Ldef        [noIMid]


                        ***Loader Section***

                        ***Loader Symbol Table Information***
[Index]      Value      Scn     IMEX Sclass   Type           IMPid Name

[0]     0x200005c0    .data              RW SECdef        [noIMid] __rtinit
[1]     0x00000000    undef      IMP     DS EXTref       libfoo.so
[2]     0x00000000    undef     wIMP     RW EXTref
libstdc++.a(libstdc++.so.6) _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE
[3]     0x00000000    undef     wIMP     RW EXTref
libstdc++.a(libstdc++.so.6) _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE
[4]     0x00000000    undef      IMP     DS EXTref
libstdc++.a(libstdc++.so.6) __gxx_personality_v0
[5]     0x00000000    undef      IMP     DS EXTref
libstdc++.a(libstdc++.so.6) __cxa_pure_virtual
[6]     0x00000000    undef      IMP     DS EXTref libgcc_s.a(shr.o)
[7]     0x00000000    undef      IMP     DS EXTref libgcc_s.a(shr.o)
[8]     0x20000570    .data      EXP     RW   Ldef        [noIMid]
[9]     0x2000062c    .data      EXP     DS   Ldef        [noIMid]
[10]    0x00000000    undef      IMP     PR EXTref              ..

If you need further information please do not hesitate to ask.


By the way I have tested HEAD with gfortran.
No problems with the FORTRAN tests.


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