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bug#26484: feature request: add ICC support on Windows

From: sav_ix
Subject: bug#26484: feature request: add ICC support on Windows
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2017 18:01:59 +0300


Currently ICC, like MSVC, offer free versions for Open Source development on Windows (https://software.intel.com/en-us/qualify-for-free-software/opensourcecontributor ). Thus a lot of
Open Source tools, which use autotools build system (GMP/MPIR, MPFR, libiconv, etc.), could be built using free Intel Compiler, which offer a better performance (https://software.intel.com/en-us/c-compilers/ipsxe ).

autotools doesn't provide ICC support "out of the box". But, fortunately , it provide such support for MSVC. And since ICC on Windows tries to emulate MSVC (by using same compiler keys, MSVC linker, etc.), it's pretty easy to adopt MSVC toolchain from 'configure' script for this purpose.

E.g., in order to add ICC support for libiconv-1.15 (https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/libiconv/libiconv-1.15.tar.gz ) build system, a very simple patch required (see attachment).

But since
content of 'configure' script relate to file 'libtool.m4', it would be more convenient, if libtool provide ICC support "out of the box".

Is it possible to add ICC support to the future libtool releases?


Attachment: libiconv_i.diff
Description: Binary data

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