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WARNING. You tried to send a potential virus or unauthorised code to add

From: root
Subject: WARNING. You tried to send a potential virus or unauthorised code to address@hidden
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2003 10:58:24 +0800

        TO address@hidden
        with Subject "Re: Your application"

      Our Anti-Virus program discovered an email which you send to 
'address@hidden' with subject 'Re: Your application' contain a possible virus, 
unauthorised coding or untrust material which violate Our Company policy.  
The email has now been quarantined and was not delivered.

      Scanning result after pass through the antivirus engine 

                |    F-Prot Result   |
Virus scanning report  -  9 September 2003 @ 10:58

Program version: 4.2.0
Engine version: 3.13.4

SIGN.DEF created 1 September 2003
SIGN2.DEF created 2 September 2003
MACRO.DEF created 8 September 2003

Search: unpacked/
Action: Report only
Files: Attempt to identify files
Switches: -ARCHIVE

Infection: W32/address@hidden

Results of virus scanning:

Files: 5
MBRs: 0
Boot sectors: 0
Objects scanned: 5
Infected: 1
Suspicious: 0
Disinfected: 0
Deleted: 0
Renamed: 0

Time: 0:00

                |    Mcafee Result   |
Scanning /usr/local/mailgate/temp/tmp_20039910582424453/unpacked/*
Scanning file /usr/local/mailgate/temp/tmp_20039910582424453/unpacked/_headers_
Scanning file /usr/local/mailgate/temp/tmp_20039910582424453/unpacked/textfile0
Scanning file /usr/local/mailgate/temp/tmp_20039910582424453/unpacked/textfile1
Scanning file 
        Found the W32/address@hidden virus !!!
Scanning file /usr/local/mailgate/temp/tmp_20039910582424453/unpacked/textfile2
        File too small to have a known virus.

Summary report on /usr/local/mailgate/temp/tmp_20039910582424453/unpacked/*
        Total files: ...........       5
        Clean: .................       4
        Possibly Infected: .....       1

                |     ClamAV Result   |
Scan started: Tue Sep  9 10:58:29 2003

unpacked/thank_you.pif: Worm.Sobig.F FOUND

-- summary --
Known viruses: 9568
Scanned directories: 1
Scanned files: 4
Infected files: 1
Data scanned: 0.07 Mb
I/O buffer size: 131072 bytes
Time: 0.770 sec (0 m 0 s)

      Violated Policy shown as follow 

                |    Bad File Type   |

TypeBlock : comparing ms-dos executable (exe), os/2 or ms windows to exe ...HIT

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