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lilypond 2.0.0 crash in bezier.cc

From: Jost Schenck
Subject: lilypond 2.0.0 crash in bezier.cc
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 19:17:10 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.5.1

I tried to convert a piece I engraved with version 1.8 to lilypond version 
2.0. I got crashes and reduced the piece to the one attached, which still 
crashes lilypond. The output of lilypond --verbose on my system is attached 
as test.out. My system is SuSE 8.2, kernel 2.4.20, athlon processor.
Thanks a lot for lilypond, it's great! BTW I like the corrections on the input 
format that made it into 2.0.

Attachment: allegroconspirito-2.ly
Description: Text document

Attachment: test.out
Description: Binary data

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