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MIDI Instrument shakuhachi (skakuhachi)

From: Kazuhiro Suzuki
Subject: MIDI Instrument shakuhachi (skakuhachi)
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003 15:21:09 +0100 (BST)

In section A.2 of the Lilypond manual titled "MIDI
Instruments" (p. 162 in the pdf version) there is an
instrument called 'skakuhachi'.  It should be
correctly called 'sHakuhachi'.  This is not merely a
manual typo, since the following lilypond source will
give an error, "warning: no such MIDI instrument:

\version "2.0.1"

someNotes = \notes \relative c' {
        c4 d e f g a b c

\score {
        \context Staff {
                \property Staff.midiInstrument = #"shakuhachi"

        \paper { }
        \midi { }

Please for the sake of the growing Japanese users out
there, restore the correct name of the instrument. 
Thank you in advance.

Kazuhiro Suzuki

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