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no space after key signature unless time signature

From: Paul Scott
Subject: no space after key signature unless time signature
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 23:23:28 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i586; en-US; rv:1.6b) Gecko/20031221 Thunderbird/0.4

In the last several versions including 2.1.5 there is no space after a
key signature unless there is a time signature.

Paul Scott

%\include "dy26notes.ly"
\include "english.ly"

%\header {
%    title    = "26. Good Old Days"
%    subtitle = "Damn Yankees"
%    piece    = "Reed 2 - Clarinet"

dyxxvicom = \notes{ 
    \time 2/2 s1*3 \repeat volta 2 { s1 } s1*20
    \time 4/4 s1*40 \bar "|."
i = \notes\relative c' {
%    \repeat unfold 2 { \acciaccatura{ e8 } f4-. } r4
    a4 b c
cli = \notes\relative c' {
    \property Voice.BreathingSign \set #'text = 
    #(make-musicglyph-markup "scripts-caesura")
    \key df \major 
    \repeat "percent" 4 {
        r4^\markup\large\bold{ Allegro } 
    << { \repeat "percent" 4 { r4 \i } }  
       { s1*2 s1\> s2. s4\! } >>
%    R1*3
    \repeat "percent" 4 { 
%       r4 \repeat unfold 2 { \acciaccatura{ d8 } ef4-. } r4 } %19
        r4 a4 b c }
    df2( bf) ef( bf) ff'1 cf''4~(\< \times 2/3 { cf8 df ef } ff8-.)\! r r4
    ef,,2\pp( df) f( bf,) 

\score {
        \property Score.skipBars = ##t
        \property Score.MultiMeasureRest \override #'expand-limit = #1
        \property Score.MultiMeasureRestNumber \override #'padding = #0 
        \property Score.DynamicLineSpanner \override #'padding = #1.0
        \context Staff = flute { \cli }
    \paper { \translator { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } }

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