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Instrument names crawl off the left side of the page.

From: Buchbinder, Adam
Subject: Instrument names crawl off the left side of the page.
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 16:30:15 -0500

Exactly what it says. I'm using lilypond-2.1.28 on Cygwin (Windows 2000). When 
I run the attached input through LilyPond, the instrument names don't fit on 
the page. I know I could just make the staves narrower, but is this the kind of 
thing that Lilypond should do automagically?
And I can't figure out how to label the GrandStaff I'm using for the piano 
part. When I try \set Staff.instrument in the GrandStaff block, I get an extra 
staff appearing, which is definitely not what I want. LY source follows.
--adam buchbinder
\paper {

  % linewidth = 160 \mm


%\renameinput "header.ly"

\version "2.1.28"

\header {

  title = "Sweet's Song"

  composer = "Joss Whedon"

  opus = "Once More, With Feeling"

  piece = "Sweet's Song"

  copyright = "Joss Whedon"


DawnVoice = \new Voice \notes {

  \set Staff.instrument = "Dawn "

  \set Staff.instr = "Dawn "

  \clef treble \key bes \major

  \partial 8 r8

  r1 r r r r r r r r r r


SweetVoice = \new Voice \notes {

  \set Staff.instrument = "Sweet "

  \set Staff.instr = "Sweet "

  \clef bass \key bes \major

  \override Staff.NoteHead #'style = #'cross

  s1*0^\markup { "tap dancing" }

  \partial 8 d8

  d4 d d d

  d16 d d d d4 d16 d d d d4

  \times 2/3 {r8 r d} \times 2/3 {d d d} \times 2/3 {d d d} r4

  % 5

  r4 \grace {d8[ d]} d8. d16 d8. d16 d4

  d16 d d d d8. d16 \times 2/3 {r8 d d} \times 2/3 {d d d}

  d4 d16 d8. r8. d16 d4

  r4 r8. d16 d4 d

  d r r2

\override Staff.NoteHead #'style = #'default

\context Voice = "SweetVoice"

  \relative c {

  r4 bes8. g16 bes g bes8 r4

  r8. a16 ~ a8. g16 a4 f

  r bes2.

\override Staff.NoteHead #'style = #'cross

  r4 c r2

\override Staff.NoteHead #'style = #'default

  r8. bes16 bes8. g16 bes g bes8 r4

  r8. a16 a8. g16 a4 f

  r bes ~ bes8 c4 d16\( c

  d2.\) r4

  } % relative c,


SweetLyrics = \new Lyrics \lyrics {

  Why'd you run a -- way?

  Don't you like my style?


  Why don't you come and play?

  I guar -- an -- tee a

  great __ big smile.


PianoTreble = \new Staff \notes {

  \clef treble \key bes \major

  \partial 8 r8 \relative c' {

  <<d4 e g bes>> r r2

  <<c,4 f a>> r r2

  <<d,1 f bes>>

  % 5

  <<e,4 g c>> r r2

  <<d,4 e g bes>> r r2

  <<c,4 f a>> r r

  << {ees4~ees1} {g4~g1} {a4~a1} {c4~c1}>>

  <<fis,4 a d>> r r2

  <<d,4 e g bes>> r r2

  <<c,4 f a>> r r2

  <<d,1 f bes>>

  <<e,4 g c>> r r2

  <<d,4 e g bes>> r r2

  <<c,4 f a>> r r2

  <<d,4. f bes>> f8 ~ f4 bes



PianoBass = \new Staff \notes {

  \clef bass \key bes \major

  \partial 8 r8 \relative c {

  g'4 r r2

  f4 r r2


  % 5

  c4 r r2

  g4 r r2

  f4 r r c' ~


  d4 r r2

  g,4 r r2

  f4 r r2


  c4 r r2

  g4 r r2

  f4 r r2




\score {


  % TODO: want a bracket on the vocal staves, but don't want connected barlines

  % TODO: captions for the staves (Dawn, Sweet, Piano)

  % \new StaffGroup <<


  % why do I have to declare \context Voice = SweetVoice here *and* above?

  \context Voice = "SweetVoice"


  \lyricsto "SweetVoice" \SweetLyrics

  % >>

  \new GrandStaff <<

    \PianoTreble \PianoBass



  \paper {

  % to not show empty staves---NONFUNCTIONAL in this version

  % \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }



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