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Re: Problems installing LilyPond on Windows

From: Jonathan den Hartog
Subject: Re: Problems installing LilyPond on Windows
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 15:21:20 +0000

It's version 1.8.2, I believe, and no, I downloaded it off the lilypond web site last week, following the windows installation instructions. Maybe it's the mirror I chose, but I don't know if I could figure out which one it was again. But at least one of the mirrors is still serving up an old version.

I learned about the ly2dvi command after spending some time reading the manual. For now I am happy with using the ly2dvi command... I will download a newer version when I have the time. Is there anything I should do when upgrading from one version to the next? Or do I just run the cygwin setup again?

From: Mats Bengtsson <address@hidden>
To: Jonathan den Hartog <address@hidden>
CC: address@hidden, address@hidden
Subject: Re: Problems installing LilyPond on Windows
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 17:37:02 +0100
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You must have found a very old version of LilyPond.
The current instructions are fully relevant for lilypond version 2.0.1,
which is what you will find on all Cygwin mirrors that have been
updated during the last months.


Jonathan den Hartog wrote:
I got it to work now, but perhaps the instructions on the website for an install on Windows (at least on my version of Windows, which is W2K) need to be updated. Double-clicking on the file does not generate the pdf, neither does entering the command 'lilypond test.ly'. But I found that if I enter 'ly2dvi -p test.ly' then I get the desired pdf file.

This is not clear in the instructions on this page:


There is no mention of the ly2dvi command.

But then, perhaps double-clicking on the file WAS supposed to generate the pdf, and something is wrong there still.

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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
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