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Re: Lily 2.2.0 is out

From: Hans Forbrich
Subject: Re: Lily 2.2.0 is out
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 05:10:13 -0700
User-agent: KMail/1.5.1

Tarball download still points to 2.1 directory.  (Manually changing to 2.2 
gets the file :)  )


On Thursday 01 April 2004 04:32, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Dear music enthousiasts,
> LilyPond is a program for making beautiful music notation.  It is
> free/open source software, and is available for all popular operating
> systems. It runs on most Unix flavors --including Linux and MacOS X-- and
> MS Windows. Use it for your music too!
> LilyPond version 2.2 was released today!
> This release has completely revamped support for for orchestral score
> formatting, cue notes, font size management, lyric formatting, drum
> notation/playback and document integration.
> In addition, it has numerous syntax simplifications, proper support
> for 8va brackets, and a completely updated manual.
> Go and grab it at
>   http://lilypond.org
> A big thank-you goes out to our contributors:
> David Bobroff, Edward Sanford Sutton, Heikki Junes, and Nicolas
> Sceaux.
> Also thanks to our bug-hunters:
> Alexandre Beneteau, Andrew McNabb, Atte Andre Jensen , Bertalan Fodor,
> Bruce McIntyre, Dave Symonds, David Bobroff, Darius, Delma Avers, Doug
> Linhardt, Eric Wurbel, Erik Sandberg, Ferenc Wagner, Hans Forbrich,
> John Williams, José Luis Cruz, Juergen Reuter, Kieren Richard
> MacMillan, Laurent Martelli, Mats Bengtsson, Matthias Kilian, Nancho
> Alvarez, Nick Busigin, Nicolas Sceaux , Olivier Guery, Patrick
> Atamaniuk, Paul Scott, Pawel D, Pedro Kroger, Ray McKinney, Reuben
> Thomas, Rob V, Stef Epardaud, Thomas Willhalm, Thomas Scharkowski, Tom
> Bäckström, Werner Lemberg, and Will Oram.
> Happy music printing,
> Han-Wen Nienhuys & Jan Nieuwenhuizen
> (core development team)
> New features in 2.2 since 2.0
> *****************************
>    * Setting `raggedlast = ##t' in the `\paper' block causes the last
>      line to be set flush-left instead of justified.
>    * The `Timing_engraver' now sets the `Timing' alias on its
>      containing context automatically.
>    * The code for font selection has been rewritten. In addition to
>      existing font selection properties, the property `font-encoding'
>      has been added, which makes the switch between normal `text' and
>      other encodings like `braces', `music' and `math'.
>    * The pmx2ly script has been removed from the distribution.
>    * Pedal brackets will now run to the last bar of a piece if they are
>      not explicitly ended.
>    * Context definitions now use the word `\context' instead of
>      `\translator'.
>    * Property functions may be used as an argument to `set!', for
>      example
>             (set! (ly:grob-property grob 'beam) ... )
>    * In anticipation of Emacs 21.4 or 22.1, the info documentation
>      contains images.
>    * Cue notes can be quoted directly from the parts that contain them.
>      This will take into account transposition of source and target
>      instrument. For example,
>      \addquote clarinet \notes\relative c' {
>        \transposition bes
>        fis4 fis fis fis
>      }
>      \score {
>          \notes \relative c'' {
>       c8 d8 \quote 2 oboe es8 gis
>          }
>      }
>    * The transposition of an instrument can be specified using the
>      `\transposition' command.  An E-flat alto saxophone is specified as
>             \transposition es'
>    * The naming of exported Scheme functions now follows Scheme
>      conventions.  Changes be applied to Scheme files with
>                   convert-ly -e -n --from=2.1.24 --to=2.1.26 *.scm
>    * Notes can  be excluded from auto-beaming, by  marking them with
>      `\noBeam'
>             c8 c \noBeam c c
>      will print two separate eighth notes, and two beamed notes.
>    * Translators and contexts have been split. The result of this
>      internal cleanup is that `Score' no longer is the top context;
>      `Score' is contained in the `Global' context. Consequently, it is
>      possible to tweak `Score' as follows:
>             \context Score \with {
>               ...
>             }
>    * The number of staff lines  in Tablature notation is now
>      automatically deduced from the `stringTunings' property.
>    * The program reference has been cleaned up and revised.
>    * The syntax for setting properties has been simplified: the
>      following table lists the differences:
>                 (old)                           (new)
>           \property A.B = #C                \set A.B = #C
>           \property A.B \unset              \unset A.B
>           \property A.B \set #C = #D        \override A.B #C = #D
>           \property A.B \override #C = #D   (removed)
>           \property A.B \revert #C          \revert A.B #C
>      Furthermore, if `A' is left out, the bottommost context is used by
>      default.  In other words, it is no longer necessary to explicitly
>      mention `Voice', `Lyrics' or `ChordNames'.
>      Old:
>              \property Voice.autoBeaming = ##f
>              \property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'style = #'C
>      New:
>              \set autoBeaming = ##f
>              \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'C
>    * Tweaks  made with `\override' and `\revert' no longer hide tweaks
>      at higher context levels.
>    * Melismata in lyrics are also properly handled  in the MIDI output.
>    * The lilypond-book script has been rewritten.  It is shorter,
>      cleaner and faster.  The special construct `mbinclude' has been
>      removed, plain address@hidden' or `\input' can be used now.
>      It now supports running convert-ly on the lilypond snippets,
>               lilypond-book --filter='convert-ly --from=2.0.0' my-book.tely
>    * The `LyricsVoice' context has been removed. Lyrics should only be
>      constructed in `Lyrics'.
>    * The `Thread' context has been removed. Note heads and rests are
>      now constructed at `Voice' level.
>    * Harmonic notes can now be entered as
>              <c' g''\harmonic>
>    * Drum notation is now supported  as a regular feature: percussion
>      may be entered in `\drums' mode, and printed or performed in a
>      `DrumStaff' context:
>             \score {
>               \drums \new DrumStaff { hihat4 cowbell8 }
>             }
>    * The automatic staff changer was internally rewritten. As a result,
>      the syntax has been simplified as well:
>             \autochange THE-MUSIC
>    * The ergonomic syntax of `\markup' now has an equivalent in Scheme.
>      The `markup*' macro creates such objects; the following two markup
>      commands are equivalent:
>            f4^#(markup* #:raise 0.2 #:bold "hi")
>            f4^\markup { \raise #0.2 \bold hi  }
>    * Voice names, for vocal lines, have been added. They are similar to
>      instrument names.   They can be set by defining `vocalName' and
>      `vocNam'.
>    * Safe mode has been reinstated for lilypond.  When lilypond is
>      invoked with `--safe-mode', TeX and PostScript file output is
>      disallowed, and lilypond-bin is invoked with `--safe-mode', the
>      user's Guile expressions are evaluated in a safe environment and
>      file inclusion is not allowed.
>      Warning: this does not protect against denial-of-service attacks
>      using Guile, TeX or PostScript.
>      (This feature is still experimental.)
>    * There is now a Scheme macro for defining markup commands. Special
>      mark-up commands can be defined in user-files too.
>    * Many fixes for dimension scaling have been made, resulting in
>      correct results for scores that mix staves in different sizes.
>    * Improved robustness when  layout properties are accidentally
>      removed.
>    * A  more cleanly constructed part combiner has been installed.  It
>      is more robust and less buggy. The part-combiner can be used with
>             \partcombine MUS1 MUS2
>      See `input/regression/new-part-combine.ly' for an example.
>    * Formatting of rehearsal marks has been improved. The `\mark'
>      command now only does automatic incrementing for marks specified as
>      integer. For example, `\mark #1' will print an A in the default
>      style.  See `input/regression/rehearsal-mark-letter.ly',
>      `input/regression/rehearsal-mark-number.ly'.
>    * Formatting of ottava brackets has been much improved.
>    * Objects in the output can now be documented: the following fragment
>      boxes the note head, and adds the text "heads or tails?" three
>      spaces below the box.
>                  \context Voice \applyoutput #(add-balloon-text
>                                            'NoteHead "heads, or tails?"
>                                            '(0 . -3))
>                  c8
>    * Default staff sizes are now scalable. There are two new mechanisms
>      for setting staff sizes. Both are demonstrated in this fragment:
>             #(set-global-staff-size 15)
>             \paper {
>               #(paper-set-staff-size (* 15 pt))
>             }
>      Both have the same effect on the global layout of a piece.
>      Similarly, the paper size may be changed as follows
>             #(set-default-paper-size "a4")
>             \paper {
>               #(set-paper-size "a4")
>             }
>    * Warnings for bar check errors are more cleverly printed.  This
>      makes `barCheckSynchronize' superfluous, so it is now switched off
>      by default.
>      Warning: this will cause problems in scores that use bar checks to
>      shorten measures.
>    * The black note head was made a little rounder, which causes a less
>      frantic graphic impression.
>    * A more concise syntax for checking octaves was introduced. A note
>      may be followed by `='QUOTES which indicates what its absolute
>      octave should be.  In the following example,
>             \relative c'' { c='' b=' d,='' }
>      the d will generate a warning, because a d" is expected, but a d'
>      is found.
>    * There is a new mechanism for putting lyrics to melodies.  With
>      this mechanism, `Lyrics' lines can be put melodies individually,
>      allowing for different melismatic sections in every `Lyrics'. See
>      `input/regression/lyric-combine-new.ly'.
>    * Bar lines may now be dotted.
>    * The documentation now has links to a wiki, where everyone can add
>      personal comments to the manual.
>    * Contexts may now be changed locally for an isolated music
>      expression. For example,
>             \new Voice \with {
>                \consists "Pitch_squash_engraver"
>             } {
>               c'4
>             }
>    * The syntax for changing staffs has changed. The keyword `\change'
>      should now be used, e.g.
>             \change Staff = up
>    * Features of spanner contexts, like `Staff', can now be changed
>      using `\set', eg.
>             \new Staff {
>                  \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count = #4
>                  c'4
>             }
>      puts a quarter note C on a staff with 4 lines.
>    * Multi measure rests are now truly centered between the
>      clefs/barlines of the staff, their position is independent of
>      symbols on the other staffs.
>    * Collision resolution for dots in chords has been improved greatly.
>    * Spacing following barlines was improved for widely stretched lines.
>    * Lyric hyphens and extenders now conform to standard typesetting
>      practice.
>    * Lyrics are now aligned under note heads conforming to engraving
>      standards. The responsible code has been rewritten, and is
>      drastically simpler from the previous version. To aid this
>      rewrite, the syntactic function of the extender line ( __ ) has
>      been changed: it is now attached to the lyric syllable.
>    * When redefining a context, the associated identifier is also
>      updated. For example, after reading the following snippet,
>            \translator {
>                   \ScoreContext
>                   autoBeaming = ##f
>            }
>      the definition of `ScoreContext' is updated to include the changed
>      setting.
>    * The weight of the stafflines is now heavier at smaller staff sizes.
>      The font has been modified to match this look: at smaller sizes,
>      the font is heavier and the note heads are more rounded.
>    * Processing scores is now done while parsing the file. New Scheme
>      functions give more flexibility: for example, it is now possible
>      interpret a score, collecting synchronized musical events in a
>      list, and manipulate that information using inline Scheme. For an
>      example, see `input/no-notation/recording.ly'.
>    * Font sizes can now truly be scaled continuously: the  `font-size'
>      is similar to the old `font-relative-size', but may be set to
>      fractional values; the closest design size will be scaled to
>      achieve the desired size. As a side-effect, there are now no longer
>      limitations in using smaller fonts (eg. grace notes) at small staff
>      sizes.
>    * Stem tips are now also engraved with rounded corners.
>    * The placement of accidentals on chords and ledgered notes is
>      improved.

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