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\encoding doesn't work as expected

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: \encoding doesn't work as expected
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 22:24:01 +0200

address@hidden writes:
> %
> % encoding.ly
> %
> % critical
> %
> % address@hidden
> %
> \version "2.3.11"
> \encoding "latin1"
> \header { texidoc = "
> The `\encoding' command doesn't set the proper encoding vector for
> data in the \header block.  This contradicts the manual which states
> that `the encoding of the file can be set with `\encoding'.
> " }

this is exactly according to the manual, but you should read it a
little closer. I've added the following extra text.

Normal strings, are unaffected by @code{\encoding}. This means that
the following will usually not produce address@hidden in the title.

  \header {
    title = "Grazing cow"
    instrument = "Baßtuba"
@end verbatim

Rather, you should say
    instrument = \markup { Baßtuba }
@end verbatim

or set @code{inputencoding} in the @code{\bookpaper} block. 

 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   address@hidden   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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