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Landscape cancels linewidth (was: Titles don't follow leftmargin and lin

From: Antti Kaihola
Subject: Landscape cancels linewidth (was: Titles don't follow leftmargin and linewidth)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 19:10:49 +0300

On 2004-09-13 at 14:25 -0300, Pedro Kroger wrote:

> In that case linewidth only affects the music, not the titles. You
> should put linewidth inside \bookpaper. I also advise you tho put
> bookpaper before any paper command.

Thanks! Your corrected example below works ok for portrait paper.
However, I run into problems again if I want to get landscape pages:

  \bookpaper {
    #(set-default-paper-size "a4" 'landscape)
    leftmargin = 50 \mm
    linewidth = 100 \mm 

, I still get a portrait page. By moving set-default-paper-size to a new
\paper section:

  \paper { 
    #(set-default-paper-size "a4" 'landscape) 

, I get a landscape page, but the music won't obey the linewidth.
If I do

  \paper { 
    #(set-default-paper-size "a4" 'landscape) 
    linewidth = 100 \mm

the music is now 100 mm narrow, but the titles are still wide.

To me it looks like using set-default-paper-size somehow "forgets" about
\bookpaper settings.

Pedro wrote:
> This should give the output you want:
> \header {
>     title = "Title goes too much to the right"
>     composer = "Composer goes too much to the right"
> }
> \bookpaper {
>     leftmargin = 50 \mm
>     linewidth = 100 \mm 
> }
> \score {
>     \new Staff \relative c' { 
>         g f e g | f e d f | e d c e |
>         d c b g | a c b d | c1 \bar "|." }
> }

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