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Re: hidenotes bug

From: Graham Percival
Subject: Re: hidenotes bug
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2005 23:25:10 -0800

On 10-Jan-05, at 5:17 AM, johannes schöpfer wrote:
i think i found about \hideNotes and \unHideNotes.

Interesting.  If you delete the \paper{} and \layout{}, then
it compiles fine.  It gives warnings about rests and
notes on the same stem, but it _does_ compile.

Alternately, if you leave the \paper{} and \layout{} in there
but remove the \break s, it's still fine.

I guess the combination of raggedright and one bar per line
is too much for LilyPond to handle...?

(LilyPond chokes with an "abort trap" message; 2.4.2 on OSX)

- Graham

\paper {

  raggedright = ##t

\layout {}

\relative c
{\clef bass
<< {
  c4( \hideNotes c)
  \unHideNotes c( \hideNotes c)\unHideNotes
} {
  s4 r s r
} >>
<< {
  c8( \hideNotes c)
  \unHideNotes c( \hideNotes c)
  \unHideNotes c( \hideNotes c)
  \unHideNotes c( \hideNotes c)\unHideNotes
} {
  s8 r s r s r s r
} >>


<<{c8 (\hideNotes c)}{s8 r}>>\unHideNotes
 <<{ c8\noBeam (\hideNotes c)}{s8 r}>>\unHideNotes
 <<{ c8\noBeam (\hideNotes c)}{s8 r}>>\unHideNotes
  <<{ c8\noBeam (\hideNotes c)}{s8 r}>>\unHideNotes


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