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lyrics alignment in fold percent

From: Luis Guillermo Agudelo
Subject: lyrics alignment in fold percent
Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 09:22:35 -0400


I initially reported this issue to the Lilypond user's list. I haven't got any answer yet but I still believe this is a bug.

Thanks for your attention,

Dear lilypond users,

I noticed that in the discussion log, there is quite a lot already about lyrics and alignment but I quite didn't see the problem I am having now. I believe it is a bug.

When using repeat percent, the lyrics do not get aligned with the "//"(repeat) sign according to the number of repetitions of the note.

Here the full example (please ignore keys and tempos. The example was not taken from western music ):

\version "2.5.2"

melody = \context Voice = "singer" \relative c'' {
  \clef treble
  g2( a2)
  \repeat "percent" 2 { g4 }
  g4 e4 f2 f4 e4 d2
  \bar "|"
  f4 f2( g4) g4 e2
  \bar "|."

firstVerse = \lyricmode {
    \set stanza = "1."
Heav'n and earth are u -- ni -- ted to -- day
for Christ __ is born.

global = {
\key d \minor
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
\set Score.defaultBarType = "empty"

music = {
    \context Staff = "melody" <<
    \lyricsto "singer" \new Lyrics \firstVerse

% If I comment the \unfoldrepeats here the lyrics are no longer correct
   \layout { }
         opus= ""
         piece ="piece"

When I comment the unfoldrepeats section, then the lyrics get shifted. Please Look at the PDF files attached (generated with and without the unfoldrepeats option).

The unfolded version is correct, the FOLDED is not. In the FOLDED version what I believe is correct, is that the word "earth" get's right below to the // (repeat) sign. Furthermore, if I had a repeat 7 instead of two, then the seven following syllabes should get associated to the same // sign.

I am a 5 hour newby. My apologies if I am making something wrong and the fix is trivial.

Thanks in advance,

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