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Staff lives too long when there are Score events

From: Bertalan Fodor
Subject: Staff lives too long when there are Score events
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 18:37:23 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

%BUG: Temporary staves live too long when there are something happening in the score (like a Time change or RehearsalMark):

\layout {


\version "2.5.26"

\paper {
 raggedright = ##t

\relative \new StaffGroup <<
 \context Staff = "3" { c1
 \new Staff {
   \set Staff.alignAboveContext = #"3"
   c8 d e f g a b c \stopStaff | }
   \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #-1
   \mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" "Coda:" }
   \time 3/4
 c2. }

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