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2.7.3 spacing problems

From: Paul Scott
Subject: 2.7.3 spacing problems
Date: Fri, 05 Aug 2005 15:15:29 -0700
User-agent: Debian Thunderbird 1.0.6 (X11/20050728)

Paul Scott wrote:

The attached example run on Debian sid with Lily 2.7.3 shows these horizontal problems:

1.  First note in staff touches time signature or key signature.

2. Key cancellation occurs at correct place but new key signature doesn't appear until beginning of next line.

Sent again since the last attempt hasn't gotten through moderation after over 12 hours and said it was moderated because of suspicious header.

Paul Scott
\version "2.7.2"
\include "english.ly"
#(set-global-staff-size 20)

global = {
  \time 4/4
  s1*28 \bar "||" s1*37
  \bar "|."
Key  = \key g \major
Keyi = \key a \major
i = \relative c''' { 
  g4( fs8 g a4 g~g) 
ii = \relative c''' { a4( gs8 a b4 a) d d cs2 R1*2 }
flute = \relative c''' {
  g4(\mp fs8 g a4 g c1) g4( fs8 g a4 g d'1 ~d) R1*12 %18
  << \i {s4\mp } >> d8( c b4) a8( g) g8( fs e fs a4 g8 fs e2.) r4
  \i d'2( c8 b) b4.( a8) a4( g8 d b2.) r4
  b'4( a g b) d4.(\< c8 b4 a) g2 d 
  e4(\mf ds8 e fs4 e) a a gs2 
  \ii \ii R1 cs4( b a cs) e4.( d8 cs a fs d) e4( fs gs2 a1) 
  R1*3 R1*3 r2 r8 e(\f fs gs a4 b8 a gs4 a b2) cs4( a 
  fs'4.) e8( d cs b a) a4( gs b a) gs( fs8 gs) a4 fs 
  b4( a8 b) cs4 fs, fs'2. fs,4 a4( b8 a gs2) a1
  R1*3 a4(\mp gs8 a b4 a~a)  gs8( a b4 a~a1)\fermata\p
i = \relative c'' { 
  g4 fs8( g) a4 g c c b2 e,4 fs g e d d d2
ii = \relative c'' { b4 a g b d4. c8 b2 }
iii = \relative c' { e4 fs g c b2 a g1 }
soprano = \relative c'' {
  R1*4 \i \i \ii \iii R1*3
  \i r2 b4 a g b d4. c8 b2 e,4 fs g2 c
  b2 r R1 \transpose c d { \i \i \ii \iii } %44
  \transpose g a { \i \i \ii }
  d4 e fs d cs2 b a1 R1
  a4 gs8( a) b4 a d2 d cs1~cs~cs\p\fermata
alto =  \relative c' {
tenor = \relative c' { 
  R1*16 \transpose c' c \i 
  b4 a8( g) fs4 g e fs g2 g4 fs e g d' c b2 
  b4 a g b d4. c8 b2 e,4 fs g c b2 a 
  b2 r R1 R1 a4 gs8( a) b4 a a a fs a a4. gs8 a2
bass = \relative c { 
i   = \lyricmode { Lord of all, to Thee we raise }
ii  = \lyricmode { This our hymn of }
iii = \lyricmode { grate -- ful praise, }
iv = \lyricmode { \i \ii \iii }
words = \lyricmode {
%{  For the __ beau -- ty of the earth,
  For the beau -- ty of the skies,
  For the __ love which from our birth
  O -- ver and a -- round us lies;
  Hill and __ vale and tree and flow'r
  sun and moon and stars of light;
  \i \ii praise,
  For the __ joy of hu -- man love,
  Broth -- er, sis -- ter, par -- ent, child,
  Friends on __ earth and friends a -- bove; __
  For all gen -- tle thoughts and mild;
  For thy -- self, best Gift Di -- vine!
  To the world so free -- ly giv'n;
  For that __ great, great love of Thine,
  Peace on earth, and joy in heav'n;
  Lord of all, to Thee we raise
  \ii \iii
  For the __ beau -- ty of the earth. __ %}
tbwords = \lyricmode { 

piano = \relative c'' {
  R1 r4 < c g >2\mp < g' a, >4 ~ < d a >1
  a4\mf gs8 a b4 a < d fs, >4 < d fs, > < cs e, >2
  < fs, d >4 < gs e > < a fs d > < b gs e > 
  < cs a fs > < d a fs > < fs d a > < gs e b >
pianolh = \relative c' {
  \Key \clef bass R1

  indent = 0.5 \in
  %\context { Staff %minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-1 . 1) }
  \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }

\score { 
    \new StaffGroup <<
      \new Staff << \global \flute >>
      \context Staff = sa <<
        \context Voice = soprano { << \global \soprano >> }
        \set staff.instrument = "SA"
      \context Lyrics = soprano { s1 } 
      \context Lyrics = soprano \lyricsto soprano \words
      \context Staff = tb <<
        \clef bass
        \context Voice = tenor { << \global \tenor >> }
        \set staff.instrument = "TB"
      \context Lyrics = tenor \lyricsto tenor \tbwords
      \new PianoStaff <<
        \context Staff = piano <<
          \set Staff.printPartCombineTexts = ##f
          \set staff.instrument = " "
          \global \piano 
        \context Staff = pianolh << 
          \set Staff.printPartCombineTexts = ##f
          \set staff.instrument = " "
          \global \pianolh 

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