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Re: Compound time

From: Gilles
Subject: Re: Compound time
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 17:41:21 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.11

> [Please refer to the attached image.]
> 4. The space on the right side of the plus seems too wide.
> 5. The first note seems too close to the time signature.

Lacking any response (-confirmed/existing/solved in newer version/not- bug),
I extended the "hack" for compound time:

#(define (compound-time grob one two three four)
   (ly:grob-layout grob)
   '(((baseline-skip . 2)
      (word-space . 2)
      (font-family . number)))
    (#:column (one two)
    #:lower 1 "+"
    #:hspace -2.4 #:column (three four)
    " "))))

which makes it even uglier (see the negative "hspace" and the added
blank space), and still it will only work for default font size.


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