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Re: chord name vertical spacing in 2.7.2x

From: Paul Scott
Subject: Re: chord name vertical spacing in 2.7.2x
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 00:39:11 -0700
User-agent: Debian Thunderbird 1.0.7 (X11/20051017)

Paul Scott wrote:

With at least 2.7.25 through current CVS a minor (:m only one I tested)
chord name takes more vertical space than a simple chordname.

Change one of the "a" chord names in the attached to see this.

Still true with the latest CVS 20 January 2006.


Paul Scott


\version "2.7.12"
\include "minorspacenotes.ly"
#(set-global-staff-size 24)

\score { <<
   \context ChordNames {
     \set chordChanges = ##t
   \context Staff = soprano <<
     %\override Score.RemoveEmptyVerticalGroup #'remove-first = ##t
     \context Voice = soprano { << \global \melody >> }
                                %\set staff.instrument = "S"
% \context Lyrics = soprano { s1 } % \context Lyrics = soprano \lyricsto soprano % \simultaneous {
%      \versei
%    }
                                %\new Staff << \piano >>
                                %\midi { \tempo 4=66 }


\version "2.7.25"
#(set-global-staff-size 21)

\header {
 title = "Chord spacing test"

 raggedbottom = ##t
 raggedlastbottom = ##t
 betweensystemspace = .03\in
 betweensystempadding = .03\in
 interscoreline = .01\in
global = {
                                %\set Score.restNumberThreshold = #0
\time 3/4 \partial 4 s4 s4*3*3 s2 \bar "" \break s4 s4*3*3 s2 \bar "" \break s4 s4*3*3 s2 \bar "" \break s4 s4*3*3 s2 \bar "|." }
Key = { \key c \major }
i   = \relative c'' { }
melody = \relative c' {
e4 g2 e4 g2 e4 g2 a4 f2 d4 f2 d4 f2 d4 f2 g4 e2 c4 e2 c4 e2 c4 e2 f4 d2 d4 d2 e4 f2 b,4 c2. ~ c2
harmony = \relative c' {
changes = \chordmode{ s4 c4*3 c c f g g g c a:m a f d g g c }


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