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\override Beam #'damping = #100000 fails to properly flatten beams

From: Marcus Macauley
Subject: \override Beam #'damping = #100000 fails to properly flatten beams
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 23:48:31 -0400
User-agent: Opera Mail/9.00 (Linux)

According to the documentation --


-- the following setting should produce "horizontal beams":

\override Beam #'damping = #100000

In fact, it doesn't make the beams quite horizontal (one end remains consistently 1/4 space higher than the other end).

For example:

\version "2.9.23"
\relative c' {
        c'8[ c,] c[ b'] a[ c,] c[ g']
        f[ c] c[ e] d[ c] f16[ e d c]
        % The following beams should be horizontal
        \override Beam #'damping = #100000
        c'8[ c,]_"Beam damping = 100 000"
                 c[ b'] a[ c,] c[ g']
        f[ c] c[ e] d[ c] f16[ e d c]
\layout { ragged-right = ##t indent = #0 }


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