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Re: warning: Can't fit systems on page -- ignoring between-system-paddin

From: Trevor Bača
Subject: Re: warning: Can't fit systems on page -- ignoring between-system-padding
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 10:23:36 -0600

On 2/13/07, Joe Neeman <address@hidden> wrote:
On 2/12/07, Trevor Bača <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi,
> Pretty sure this is a bug, but thought I'd post to bug- first before
> opening in Google.
> Sometimes I build .ly files that are essentially text docs as a
> sequence of \markup commands.
> In versions up to the .11 dev series, what we might call "multipage
> markup" files would of course break onto multiple pages if there were
> enough \markup blocks to warrant so.
> In the current releases a warning issues and all the text gets shoved
> onto a single page, even if there's a considerable amount of text and
> overprint results.
> %%% BEGIN %%%
> \version "2.11.17"
> \markup { text. }
> \markup { text. }
> %%% END %%%
> Sorry for the length of the example; needs length to show up.
> Bug? Or new behavior? (If the latter, what's the right way to set a page
> break?)

Bug. It also raises the problem of how to force or forbid a page break
between markup blocks. The backend supports it, but we don't have a
way to actually specify it in the input file.

Reall? That's cool. I've wanted something like that for quite some
time when I put together what essentially text docs in .ly files.

Could we simply allow \pageBreak to "float" in the middle of a file, I
guess at top level?

%%% BEGIN %%%

\markup \wordwrap { lots and lots of text ... }


\markup \wordwrap { more and more text ... }

%%% END %%%

Crowded markup stuff added as Google 293.

Trevor Bača

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