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lilypond crashes (WinXP) - lilypond version 2.10.16

From: Dominic Neumann
Subject: lilypond crashes (WinXP) - lilypond version 2.10.16
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 17:41:37 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)


I tried to reduce the sample file, but I couldn´t get it smaller than it is
right now. When trying to compile that file under Windows XP with lilypond
version 2.10.16, lilypond crashes with the typical Windows window that says that
there´s a problem with lilypond and it has to be closed.

Thanks for your work!

The file content:

\version "2.10.16"

verseOne = \lyricmode { bla }
verseTwo = \lyricmode { "2. Heu" -- te schon im Geist der neu -- en Welt, die
Chris -- tus schafft __ den -- ken, re -- den, tun.
                                Er zer -- bricht den Zwang zu Bö -- sen. Er
macht Men -- schen frei __ Hoff -- nung für die Welt. __        }
refrain = \lyricmode { Hilf uns, Herr, dei -- ne Zu -- kunft zu sehn! Lass uns
dei -- ne We -- ge ver -- stehn.
                            Hilf uns, Herr, dei -- ne Zu -- kunft zu sehn. Lass
uns dei -- ne We -- ge ver -- ste -- hen. }
\paper {
    ragged-last-bottom = ##f

\score {
       \relative c {
            % Strophe:
            a8 a a a16 gis16~
            gis8 gis gis gis 
            fis gis a16 b8 e,16~
            fis4 a 
            a b
            b r 
            a8 a a a16 gis16~
            gis8 gis gis gis
            fis gis a b16 e,16~ 
            fis4 a 
            b b 
            a4 r
            % Refrain:
            a8 a a b16 cis 
            cis b8 a16 b4
            a8 fis gis a
            b16 cis8 a16 b4
            a8 a a b16 cis 
            cis b8 a16 b4
            a8 fis gis a
            cis16 b8 a16 b4
            a r
        \addlyrics { \verseOne \refrain }
        \addlyrics { \verseTwo }

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