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Re: Slur looping around key signature after line break

From: Neil Puttock
Subject: Re: Slur looping around key signature after line break
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 21:14:18 +0100

On 6/4/07, Neil Puttock <address@hidden> wrote:

In the following example, the slur is a strange shape since it arcs over
the key signature. This behaviour is not shown by phrasing slurs.

\version "2.11.25"
\paper{ ragged-right=##t }
\relative c'' {
    \key g \major \partial 4
    g( \break a)


I'm sorry to bring this issue to light again, but is this a known issue? I
can't seem to find any mention of it previously.

In the Regression Tests, the test marked "slur-broken-trend.ly" says that
"across line breaks, slurs behave nicely." This is fine in the test as
written, but breaks down completely if you add a key signature to the file -
just one sharp is enough to skew most of the slurs unless they are changed
to phrasing slurs.


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