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Halfprall Bug

From: Hans Aberg
Subject: Halfprall Bug
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 20:32:56 +0200

The server for downloading LilyPond binaries is down, so I cannot try it out on latest version. I can supply a PDF if you so want. The UTF-8 character between the { } in the halfprall and halfprallfontname definitions below is in both cases U+1D19D.

  Hans Aberg

Source code example follows:

  LilyPond 2.11.23: Halfprall Bug

Using d'\halfprallfontname, defined as below, which explicitly defines the font name, causes U+1D19D MUSICAL SYMBOL ORNAMENT STROKE-3 to be raised over the staff lines. Replacing by d'\halfprall, which does not call the font name explicitly, does not make this happen. Nor does it happen when \halfprallfontname is used on other notes, like the cis in the example below.

System Mac OS X 10.4.10 with only font carrying U+1D19D Euterpe from:
installed as system font (in Library/Fonts/; "Computer" in Font Book)

halfprallfontname=^\markup {\override #'(font-name . "Euterpe") \override #'(font-size . 3.5) {𝆝}}
halfprall=^\markup {\override #'(font-size . 3.5) {𝆝}}

\score {
\new Staff <<
  \tempo 4 = 112
  \key b \minor
  \time 11/16
  #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 11 16) 4 16)
  #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 11 16) 7 16)

  \relative c' {
    \once \override TextScript #'padding = #1.0
    \set Staff.midiInstrument = "clarinet"
cis16^\markup { \italic "Clarinet" } e d cis\prall cis\prall b\prall a\prall a e a b |
        cis16 a b\prall b\prall  a16 g e  fis cis cis' cis, |
       % d'\halfprall
          cis\prall  cis\prall b\prall a\prall  a gis\prall a b |
        \bar "||"
        \layout {}

\version "2.11.23" % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.

% ---- End of source code ----

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