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All notes change one octave up after a half rest

From: Erdem
Subject: All notes change one octave up after a half rest
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2009 23:55:46 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

> I'm not top posting

Hello. I want to engrave this sheet music.

%% all notes change one octave up after a half rest

\score {
        \relative e'' {
                \key e \major   
                e2 fis4 (gis)
                fis2 gis4 (a)
                gis2 a4 (b)
                a4 (gis) a (fis)
                e2 fis4 (gis)
                fis2 gis4 (a)
                gis2 a4 (fis)
                b2 r2
                e,2 fis4 (gis)
        \layout { }
        \midi { }

May you pay attention to the measure second to last. There is a half rest there.
I have to use a , to change correctly engrave the last measure. If i don't use a
, like e2 fis4 (gis) all notes change one octave up. Or if i don't use a half
rest in the measure second to last (like b2 a2) all things work as it should be.
I am quite new to lilypond so this may be a user error. But if it is a bug i
want to warn about this issue. 

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