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[regtests] part-combine-text.ly: "solo 2" or "Solo II" ?..

From: Dmytro O. Redchuk
Subject: [regtests] part-combine-text.ly: "solo 2" or "Solo II" ?..
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 12:06:12 +0200


"part-combine-text.ly": The part combiner detects a2, solo1 and solo2,
and prints texts accordingly.

Markup text says "expect: solo 2" (see below), but there is "Solo II"
actually in the picture. I'd say something should be corrected (markup
text is quite right regarding "a2", so...)

% -------------8<-----------------------------
vone =  \relative a' { R1 a2    r4 r a a a a }
vtwo =  \relative a' { R1 f4 f4 f4 f f f a a  }
comm = { s1 s2 s4_\markup { \small "expect: solo 2" }
         s4 s2 s4_\markup { \small "expect: a2"  } s4 } 
\new Staff <<
    \partcombine \vone \vtwo
% -------------8<-----------------------------

Dmytro O. Redchuk

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