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Issue 1149 in lilypond: Uneven spacing with uniform stretching

From: lilypond
Subject: Issue 1149 in lilypond: Uneven spacing with uniform stretching
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 09:03:53 +0000

Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Critical Regression

New issue 1149 by PhilEHolmes: Uneven spacing with uniform stretching

Reported by Mark Polesky (verified by Phil, and showing different results in 2.12 and 2.13.24, see attached PDFs.):

Turning on the uniform-stretching property
has unexpected consequences.  Except in the first measure of
a system, extra horizontal space is added before the first
beat of a measure if:

1) the measure has only one voice, containing one whole note
2) the measure starts with an accidental
3) the measure marks the beginning of a key change

Probably there are other peculiarities, but this is what
I've observed.

- Mark

\version "2.13.21"

\paper {
  ragged-right = ##f
  between-scores-system-spacing = #0

stretch = \override Score.SpacingSpanner
            #'uniform-stretching = ##t
space = \markup \pad-around #2 \null

musicA = \relative b' { b1 b b }
musicB = \relative d'' <<
  { d1 d des } \\ { \repeat unfold 12 g,4 }

musicC = \relative d'' <<
  { d1 d \key g \major d } \\ { \repeat unfold 12 g,4 }

{ \musicA }
{ \stretch \musicA }
{ \musicB }
{ \stretch \musicB }
{ \musicC }
{ \stretch \musicC }

        stretching2.12.pdf  33.2 KB
        stretching2.13.24.pdf  33.6 KB

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