\version "2.13.32" \pointAndClickOff \paper { ragged-bottom = ##t } \header { title = "How to write a FullCadenzaRest?" subsubtitle = "(If nothing exists, please consider as a request for enhancement...)" } \markup "Completely unusable => BUG?" voiceI = \relative c' { \repeat unfold 16 { c4 } \break \repeat unfold 16 { f4 } \break \cadenzaOn f4 a c f e16 d c b a g f e % This is 4*4 + 8 = 24/16 \cadenzaOff \bar "|" \repeat unfold 12 { d4 } \break \repeat unfold 20 { c4 } } voiceII = \relative c' { \repeat unfold 16 { c4 } R1*4 \cadenzaOn R1*24/16 \cadenzaOff \bar "|" R1*8 } \score { << \new Staff \voiceI \new Staff \voiceII >> } \pageBreak \markup "(normal) rest wrong positioned, and it (currently) disturbs \RemoveEmptyStaves" \markup "(but see issue 849, to be tackled by Carl right now)" normalRestCadenzaI = \relative c' { \repeat unfold 16 { c4 } \break \repeat unfold 16 { f4 } \break \cadenzaOn f4 a c f e16 d c b a g f e % This is 4*4 + 8 = 24/16 \cadenzaOff \bar "|" \repeat unfold 12 { d4 } \break \repeat unfold 20 { c4 } } normalRestCadenzaII = \relative c' { \repeat unfold 16 { c4 } R1*4 \cadenzaOn r1*24/16 \cadenzaOff R1*8 } \score { << \new Staff \normalRestCadenzaI \new Staff \normalRestCadenzaII >> \layout { \context { \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves } } } \pageBreak \markup "Handwork for \scaleDurations, but yields NEARLY good output" \markup "(beaming issues can be manually tweaked again, but the wrong note spacing compared to cadenza is hard)" woCadenzaI = \relative c' { \repeat unfold 16 { c4 } \break \repeat unfold 16 { f4 } \break \scaleDurations #'(16 . 24) { f4 a c f e16 d c b a g f e % This is 4*4 + 8 = 24/16 } \repeat unfold 12 { d4 } \break \repeat unfold 20 { c4 } } woCadenzaII = \relative c' { \repeat unfold 16 { c4 } R1*4 R1 R1*8 } \score { << \new Staff \woCadenzaI \new Staff \woCadenzaII >> }