\version "2.13.41" %%%% 1st example: \override in a non-Staff context applies to the first Staff % of the score! musicI = \relative c' { \clef "treble" c4 dis } musicII = \relative c { \override Staff.Accidental #'color = #red dis4 \override Voice.Accidental #'color = #blue es } \score { << \new Staff \new Voice \musicI \new Staff \new Voice \musicI \new Staff \new Voice \musicII % BUG: The \override Staff.... inside the NoteNames changes the very first % staff of the score!!! \new NoteNames \musicII >>} %%% 2nd example: \override for a FiguredBass grob in a non-FiguredBass context % applies to the FiguredBass context in parallel to the Staff \score { << % This override will be applied to the FiguredBass that appears later: \new Staff \new Voice \relative c' { c4 \override FiguredBass.BassFigure #'color = #green d } \new Staff \new Voice \relative c' { c4 d } \new FiguredBass \figuremode { <8 3>4 <5> <7 2> } >> } %%% 3rd example: You can change the settings of a PianoStaff from a completely %%%% different staff that is not inside a PianoStaff! \score { << \new Staff \new Voice \relative c' { c1 \break %% The following \set should never apply to the PianoStaff that follows the current staff! \set PianoStaff.shortInstrumentName = #"Dummy" d1 } \new PianoStaff << \new Staff \relative c' { f1 g } \new Staff \relative c { \clef "bass" f1 g } >> >> }